How could Heroes of the Storm’s pre-match events be made better?

This week, we saw the launch of a new mini-game sort of event in Heroes of the Storm. I speak, of course, of Pachimari Mania. The aforementioned event requires players to run around their base before a match officially starts and click on boxes. One of said boxes will have a golden Pachimari in it, and if you’ve found it before the other team, you win!
What I like about this event is the fact that — aside from seeing explosions of Pachimari engulf your team’s base — you’re able to win no matter how many people on your team participate. Sure, having more people scour the area for boxes will increase your chances of finding the golden Pachimari first, but even if you’re the only one searching, you can theoretically win it all for your team.
It’s an improvement over past events that I didn’t know I wanted until now. Previous events like this required participation from all (or most) of your team if you wanted a chance at winning. And sure, it’s a team-based game, but for a silly event like this, I prefer the Pachimari approach over, say, the Treasure Goblin approach.
But I wonder if there’s a way to improve on these sorts of events further. Is there something you’d like to see changed or added? Heck, do you actually like the Pachimari approach, or do you want these to be focused on the team working together?
And why stop there? Are pre-match events the way to go in the future, or should the Heroes team change it up? There’s a whole lot of loot that pops out of the Cores at the end of the game, why not have us compete over grabbing it all? Options are admittedly limited given the nature of matches, but I’d love to hear your takes on future iterations of these events.
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