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The QueueOct 30, 2017 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Getting ready, an unlikely Warcraft movie sequel, leaks, beer, music

Icecrown Citadel in Northrend during Wrath of the Lich King

We’re getting ready for the main event this week — are you?

Halloween, of course.


Question for the Queue: It’s been 16 months since “Warcraft: The Beginning” (revised title) was released in theatres. What is your opinion of it now that time has passed?

Still awed by the spectacle? Are you looking forward to the sequel?

I still like it. Great visuals, despite the lore changes. I think it stands on its own. However, I’d like to see more than 2 minutes of Ironforge! And Darnassus? Weren’t we kind-of expecting Darnassus from the pre-production art?

Well, anyway … :-) What do you think?

I’m about to get run out of town for this… but I still haven’t seen it.

I bought it on Amazon, watched maybe the first 10 minutes of it, and shut it off because I wasn’t in the mood. That was a year ago and I still haven’t been in the mood. Why? Part of it probably has to do with having a very carefully and detailed construct of Azeroth in my head from playing the games for most of my life; and I don’t really want something, anything, to disrupt that.

Part of it probably has to do with the reviews and how it wasn’t very compelling. This is a golden age of story telling, and I’d rather spend my time reading a good book by a favorite author than watching another forgettable movie. And that’s part of it too — I don’t want the  WoW movie to be forgettable. I want it to be good, and if I watch it I have a feeling that I’m going to agree with so many of my friends and colleagues and dislike it. That would just be a let down.

So it sits in my Amazon queue, unwatched, potentially for a good bit. Or maybe after my public shaming I’m about to get for this I’ll watch it tonight.

Now to answer your original question — a sequel to the movie would get me to watch the first one almost instantly, but I don’t think that’s going to happen. If it does it’ll need to be a loose sequel that is some kind of reboot from the original movie. The problem is us liking it, the problem is the rest of the film industry and financial backers. They’re not going to go for something for round two that was poorly received in the first place.


I’d love to go to Blizzcon, unfortunately with two student loans, finances for flight + hotel + ticket + food + merchandise would probably cost me at least two months worth of paychecks, so I’m content to get the VT and watch from home.

What could kinda be cool is if groups of us in the same area could rent a smaller place and have a “home away from home” sort of blizzcon. Get a large conference room or some such, buy one VT ticket and just maybe have everyone pitch in for the room, VT, and some food and stuff and enjoy it that way.

Also I know it’ll never happen due to Anaheim being “The Place” for Blizzcon, but as Blizzard has an office in Austin, there’s always been a small part of me that wishes they would host it here one year (again, I know it’ll never happen, it’s just wishful thinking)

I agree that I think it’s unlikely that Blizzard will ever move it from Anaheim; but I do love the idea of a remote viewing party. I’m kinda wondering what would happen if we were to set one up in NYC next year or someplace; just get a projector, a big room, line up some food vendors, and let things happen.

Hm…. this now has me thinking.


Has Blizzard gotten better about leaks? Seems to me we’ve always had an idea of an xpac’s theme or name, and this year I haven’t seen anything. I haven’t really looked, but still…

Not really.


Q4tQ: what is your favorite beer?

The Fulton Lonely Blonde. Been my favorite beer for a few years now.


Q4TQ: How ready are you guys for BlizzCon?

Personally? lol not at all. I have no food, haven’t bought my ticket yet, need to get a TV’s three and four setup to monitor everything.

Site-wise we’re getting there. We tested some live blogging software last night that worked quite well, and I’m hopeful that our editors have a better time this year. This software should also allow pair-blogging, so one person can be writing and the other(s) inserting images/etc into the stream. That’ll work nicely and bring Blizzard Watch’s live blogging up to what others have. Should be fun!


Weekend QftQ:

You are tasked with finding an approriate classical theme for your favourite Azeroth zone. Failure will mean imminent destruction of the Multiverse. Claim your destiny, champion! Choose your theme!

Copeland’s Appalachain Spring for Grizzly Hills. Hell, anything by Aaron Copeland for Grizzly Hills.

Mahler’s second for Icecrown Citadel is another obvious one for me. I’m also a huge fan of Mahler as I’ve written before, and I think his second symphony is potentially the best piece of music to ever be created. Also the video linked is of conductor Mariss Jansons, who is worth watching for the full hour and a half:

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