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PodcastNov 6, 2017 4:00 pm CT

Lore Watch Episode 61: Digging into BlizzCon and Battle for Azeroth lore

Welcome to episode 61 of Lore Watch! Lore Watch is a podcast that explores a single lore subject about the World of Warcraft, Diablo, Overwatch, or any other games that interest us. Join hosts Anne Stickney, Matthew Rossi, and Joe Perez for an in-depth look at the evolving stories of the games we all love.

This week, it’s a special post-BlizzCon expedited episode! Our Lore Watchers Anne, Matt, and Joe begin wading through the veritable mountain of new lore from BlizzCon 2017. A new expansion, renewed conflict, allied races, new zones — it’s all discussed in between answering some of your burning questions about WoW’s next expansion, Battle for Azeroth. Please note: Lore Watch will resume its regular schedule with the next episode. Thanks for listening!

If you like the show and you’d like to know more about Blizzard’s lore, Audible is offering a free audiobook download when you sign up for a free 30-day trial. Audible has a wide variety of Blizzard’s titles available to enjoy, including Tides of War, Dawn of the Aspects, Wolfheart, Illidan, and many more.

Are you a Patreon backer? As a token of our gratitude you’ll get all these episodes a week before everyone else! Otherwise check back on the site every other Sunday for the latest lore-focused podcast.


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