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WoWNov 28, 2017 1:00 pm CT

Glory of the Argus Raider available with this week’s Antorus release

If you’re a mount collector, you’ll want to note that Antorus, the Burning Throne opens today. With the coming of Antorus comes the possibility of completing Glory of the Argus Raider. This meta-achievement should be familiar enough in terms of its design. Simply complete a variety of difficult achievements while raiding Antorus on Normal difficulty or higher, and you’re guaranteed a mount, the Antoran Gloomhound.

Glory of the Argus Raider is probably not something most raid groups will pick up immediately. After all, first you want to make the boss kills and get geared up. Then you can spend a lot of time wiping trying to deliberately set off all the traps, or trying to do the Varimathras encounter without setting off Alone in the Darkness. It’s not a new design for a meta-achievement this time around. However, at least you can complete every achievement on the list while on Normal mode. You won’t need any specific Heroic boss kills to complete the achievement like back in Firelands. It’s much more like the Glory of the Tomb Raider and Glory of the Legion Raider achievements we saw earlier this expansion.

That puts the Antoran Gloomhound in reach of a lot more players. Sure, it’s not something you can do if you primarily play in LFR. But if you’re raiding regularly even on Normal you have a chance to pick this one up once everything is on farm. That’s a generally friendlier design in my opinion. I’m hopeful we’ll see this format continue to carry forward in Battle for Azeroth. For now, with Antorus open this week, groups can start working on clearing the place and collecting new gear. Or, if you’re already full up on Mythic gear from Tomb, you could always knock a few achievements out.

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