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WoWJan 16, 2018 6:26 pm CT

Everyone can stop panicking, because the WoW servers are back up

The WoW team has gotten so good at maintenance that the servers have been up early almost every recent maintenance period. Short maintenance periods that let you jump on and play as soon as you’re out of work have become the norm. They’re expected.

So when players heard servers would be down until 3PM PST… well, let’s just say that some people had extreme reactions. And the outcry only got worse when maintenance was extended until 5PM PST.

Of course, I’ve played since back in the old days when Blizzard really meant the “day” part of “patch day.” You really just expected the game to be unplayable until Wednesday, at least. That’s a roundabout way of saying that maintenance until a paltry 5PM doesn’t really phase me — and I bet a lot of early players are with me on that one. (Plus I had some Hearthstone quests to finish anyway.)

But now everyone who was desperate to jump into patch 7.3.5 can calm down, because the servers are back up slightly ahead of Blizzard’s revised schedule.

So what are you still doing reading this? Go update your addons and get in game!

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