The Queue: Hope cannot find her own way through dark

Adam isn’t here today. Did something spooky happen to him? I can’t say. But whatever did happen to him, you’re stuck with me today.
Q4tMitch: Seriously, are you an A’qir or a Nerubian? The shadowy fog you radiate makes it difficult to tell.
Well, sheesh, SPencer! Are you a squid or a kid? See how it feels to be asked something like that! Not good, huh? As for me, I think I lean toward A’qir. But it’s not definite. I could be Nerubian.
Side note: Someone mentioned this being asked before and me not answering. I don’t know if that’s true, but as a general rule, if you have a specific question for me, either ask on a Monday or tag me in Discord. I don’t always see questions if they’re made on Queues that aren’t before my usual Queuesday.
The way the wardrobe works with questing, is that you only get the items and armor your class can equip/mog right?
This was answered in the comments, but if a quest has a total of, say, 5 possible rewards but your spec can only use 2 of them, you’ll only see 2 of them offered as rewards. No matter which you choose, you’ll gain the 2 rewards as additions to your Wardrobe. The other 3, though, you’ll have to do the quest on a character who can use ’em to unlock.
(Please correct me if I’m wrong here. I don’t think you’ll get all 5 appearances if you can’t use all 5 on that particular toon.)
I hadn’t really paid attention or thought about it, but I suppose with faction-specific continents we can really get zone stories that involve the faction’s characters, since they don’t need to make two versions of every quest with characters swapped out and what.
I’m not actually sure on this one… mostly because Blizzard has said that you will be able to go to the other faction’s continent and do the quests after you’ve hit level 120. They didn’t really explain how this would work in terms of lore, so… I guess we’ll have to wait and see what it actually means in terms of a zone’s quests. I’m hoping you’re right, though.
Skinning doesn’t give XP anymore?
Another one answered in the comments, but for visibility: Skinning never gave XP, and the reasoning was that Mining and Herbalism required players to go out of their way to gather and gain XP. Skinning takes the cast time, sure, but you’re skinning something you were already plenty close to.
Beautiful Human via Reddit.
So, after getting the arms warrior artifact, I got to thinking about the Classic WoW coming out at some point…what if they made it so the game play was classic but the quests and story lines were set even further back in the past..say the troll wars? Of course then there would be no Horde, Alliance would just be forming and Elves would be a part of that Alliance. Would you play through that using the old play style? What faction would take the place of the Horde? Of course there are no Forsaken yet. I wish they would put the Caverns of Time to use for something like this.
To get this out of the way: Gameplay in Classic was not as good as it is now. If Blizzard is going to offer anything besides Classic WoW, it shouldn’t use Classic WoW’s gameplay.
That said, what you described is basically an expansion/instance/new game all in itself. Personally, anything that takes place in the past but not something we’ve experienced through Blizzard games yet is something I’d gladly take as a Warcraft 4.
Isn’t the selfie camera supposed to remove the UI when you use it? I ask because the first selfies I took with it on Illidan were still showing the UI. I had to hide it myself and use the normal print screen button to get the picture below
Yeah, if you’re using the action-bar button to take a selfie, the picture that shows up in your screenshots folder shouldn’t have the UI. But if you’re using the S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera and then hitting “Print Screen,” you’ll still see the UI — it has to be the specific selfie-taking button on your “vehicle” action bar to remove the UI.
Anyone try out the Blizzard World map in Overwatch? It is so nice looking, and I really, really want a Blizzard world now. WoW has enough to make a themepark, but this has all their games (except OVR, because it’s not a game in that world, but Blizzard exists and makes their other games…). Then they could have laser tag-style Overwatch play throughout the park.
Man, one of the first things I thought when I played on that map was, “If this existed in real life, it would be my happy place.” I love everything about that map, and even if a real-life version came about and ended up being an overpriced, crowded theme park full of long lines… well, I’d still love it.
Q4TQ: when will Blizzard realize their terrible oversight and give us a proper “Fiona’s Caravan Carriage” as a multi-person vendor/xmog mount?
You should probably tweet @WarcraftDevs endlessly until they add this. That’s the only way to get this oversight fixed, and they need to know ASAP.
(Don’t actually spam-tweet WarcraftDevs.)
Those snake people have to be playable eventually right? Right? Please Blizz…soooooo amazing.
A lot of people on Twitter seem all jazzed about the Vulpera, but I’m totally on #TeamSnekPepple. I think they look awesome, and — in addition to Arakkoa — they’re totally the kind of race I’d make a heavily played Alliance alt just to experience, should they not go to Horde.
That’s it for me today. But I’ll be back tomorrow! And so will the WoW Q&A. I’m sure nothing of note will happen, though. Probably just any old Q&A.
(In the event that they say something crazy in the Q&A that gets y’all talking, don’t forget Discord exists for asking questions. Much easier to see stuff there. I’m sure Liz will appreciate that.)
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