The Queue: Me and Mrs. Kul Tiras

So yeah, the Battle for Azeroth alpha saw a new build last night. New zones opened up, a new dungeon, you can roll up an Allied Race now — that’s me up there as a Lightforged Draenei, for example — they made some changes to talents including giving Fury Impending Victory as a talent which means you’ll likely never take Storm Bolt again outside of raiding, and so I spent the night mucking about.
I love the design of Kul Tirans.
Let’s do that Queue, everybody.
Q4tQ: Recently in a podcast, there was discussion regarding the type of language used in WoW, juxtaposing “common” and “heroic” language. Common being something like “I’m just proud of my King” and heroic being more like “I will show you the justice of the grave- and the true meaning of fear.”
Do you feel that there has been a dearth of heroic language in wow lately? Or do you feel the opposite?
Pretty much everything Illidan says is somewhat flowery and overwrought. I mean, I am my scars and all that. I say this with love, but I don’t think you can have an expansion with Velen, Khadgar and Illidan all talking about a demonic army that destroys worlds and a vast cosmic entity that wants to date our planet after scraping all us pesky people off of it first via said demonic army and not have some overblown verbosity creep in.
I just spent a while hanging out with Odyn and that dude can’t say “Hey, how are you doing” he goes immediately to Champion, you are Azeroth’s greatest living Warrior or Battlelord, the time to take the war to the Legion is nigh and sometimes I haven’t even had my coffee yet, you know?
So, my Litebrite Palanquin went from 80-90 in Vashj’ir and about half a dozen instances. She then went to Pandaria until she reached 91 (at which point quests became green). Now she’s in WoD (she skipped the intro quests) and thanks to garrison exp potions she’s partly into 93 and she hasn’t even finished half of Shadowmoon. 5 more levels and I can say goodbye to a questing experience that was fine the first couple times, but quickly became annoying.
Man, I have to say, I really loved leveling in Warlords but then again, I didn’t blaze a hundred alts through it like so many others seem to. Honestly, I feel like Warlords biggest sin was simply that there wasn’t enough of it — not enough raids and dungeons, not enough to do really. If they’d spaced the raids out more, done a couple of one shots (A big Magnaron boss one-shot raid like Gruul’s Lair, for example) and maybe even done a side-raid like Mysteries of the Apexis where you find out more about the ancient Apexis civilization, that could have been cool.
Tanaan itself was fun but had to last way too long. But overall, yeah, I really dug Warlords as a leveling experience. I’m sorry it’s not fun for you.
Q4tQ: Since professions are changing in BfA is it better to wait until it launches to level professions?
I’m going to be honest — I have no idea anymore.
I’m leveling my professions on my new Lightforged, who I intend to take over as my main once Battle for Azeroth comes because I’m not feeling like I’ll enjoy a Night Elf anymore once they burn Teldrassil and make us homeless in the Eastern Kingdoms. Yeah, I’m still salty about that. Anyway, I’ve been leveling my professions because I don’t want to be level 110 and having to go back to the old world for mats, but I have no idea if we’ll make a lot of use of our professions in Battle — it’s been a long time since professions felt really relevant when you can gear up more efficiently just doing some WQ’s and gathering some veiled stuff, you know?
We haven’t really got a firm handle on what the professions will be like, so we’ll see how well it works out. My goal is to have my skill ranks maxed out when I set foot onto Kul Tiras on my Lightforged or head to Zandalar on my Highmountain. But I’m not saying that’s a good idea, because I really don’t know.
QftQ: If you started a book series and it received such critical acclaim and fame that somebody wants to make a TV series or movies based on it, would you let them do that before your series was complete, or wait until then?
Eno, I’d settle for all of y’all buying them.
Q4Rossi: did you ever find your barely there chest piece for your new Warrior?
Nothing I’m really happy with, no. I’m still very annoyed that BP’s that would be scandalous on a female toon, like the Jade Breastplate, cover everything on a dude. This is deeply unfair.
Part of the problem is that my Lightforged isn’t 60 yet, so I’m stuck with just vanilla models. Once I get into BC/Wrath looks, I’ll have a few more to choose from.
Should something terrible happen to Sylvannis (fingers crossed) who do you think would lead the Forsaken?
Considering that Sylvanas’ whole life has been something awful happening to her repeatedly ever since the Third War, I’m not sure what could possibly happen that would disqualify her from leading the Forsaken. Death? Been there, done that.
Nathanos could certainly do it, although I don’t know that he would — his loyalty and obsession with being Sylvanas’ champion seems to be the only thing holding his psyche together in the face of his undeath. The lengths she went to in an attempt to fortify him (and not so coincidentally restore his looks) hint at their deeper emotional connection, so if Sylvanas were lost I don’t think he’d be so much a good leader as someone who would use the Forsaken as a blunt instrument to seek vengeance on whoever took her away from him. Which might well be just fine by them.
It’s debatable that no one person could really be the figure Sylvanas is for the Forsaken. The Desolate Council might be able to do the job, as a group, but we haven’t seen much of them yet and we have no idea if they’ll be around after Before the Storm.
Also, there’s always the Lich King out there. We don’t know what Bolvar’s intentions towards the Forsaken are, but if he views them as no different than the Scourge, who knows what he’ll get up to? After the Death Knight campaign in Legion, he’s got four incredibly powerful Horsemen including Darion Mograine under his control, he could well move into a power vacuum, especially with Lordaeron lost to the Forsaken. Come to the Frozen North and claim your destiny at my side. They’ve lost their homes, after all. If they lost their Queen, what would be left to them?
Okay, that’s the Queue for today. Adam is writing Monday’s Queue, so if there’s anything you want him to look at, leave it in the comments. Have a great weekend everyone.
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