Mag’har Orc allied race details from the Battle for Azeroth alpha

The dam has broken on Allied Races and it seems we’re learning new details about future Allied Races every day. With the latest Battle for Azeroth alpha build, Wowhead has been datamining anything and everything related to the upcoming Mag’har Orcs — or, in other words, brown orcs. They already have a variety of customization options including skin colors and tattoos that seem to enable players to create orcs from a variety of clans. There are skin options that are recognizably Blackrock, Shattered Hand, Laughing Skull, and so on.
Interestingly, their new voice lines suggest these orcs are from alternate Draenor circa Warlords of Draenor rather than Outland circa The Burning Crusade. For example:
- Male Mag’har Joke: “Azeroth goes through warchiefs like Draenor goes through alternate timelines.”
- Female Mag’har Joke: “Hey… aren’t you the one who left that abandoned garrison littering up Frostfire?”
Then again, Blizzard could be leaving it open-ended. In the past, Mag’har specifically referred to the conglomeration of orc clans remaining in Burning Crusade era Outland. They were the survivors who never succumbed to the fel. The terminology hasn’t been used in reference to Warlords of Draenor orcs. If you’re a roleplayer and concerned about these specifics, you can probably ignore it. Whether you want to be from Draenor or Outland, you can undoubtedly play it however you’d like.
I find these Orcs coming from Draenor intriguing, though. On the Alliance side of things, Yrel was quite specific in her pledge to help Azeroth should help be needed. From a story perspective, will that happen? I’m not sure there’s room for it as an Allied Race, especially since we have the Lightforged. But it would still be nice to see as a story element. Even a small quest chain to show that Yrel has arrived with reinforcements would be a welcome touch.
Whatever the case, head over to Wowhead to check out all known Mag’har Orc customization options and voice lines.
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