You can watch the Victory Poses in Overwatch without fear

Why? Because skipping them doesn’t get you into your next match any faster.
On a forum thread, Jeff “Jeff from the Overwatch team” Kaplan weighed in when players were musing about why people leave as soon as Defeat or Victory was determined but before voting for Play of the Game or cards has been completed. The result being, these players don’t get a chance to vote. Many players believe that they can skip all of that and get queued up for their next match faster. But Jeff had some interesting news for them:
Fun fact: you don’t actually get into a match faster when skipping the end of round flow (victory poses, POTG, cards, stats etc.). You don’t get entered into the matchmaking queue until your previous match resolves completely. Most people leave at “Victory/Defeat” because they think they are “speeding up” getting into the next match.
So if you’re bailing out on all of this — getting to see other player’s victory poses, voting for POTG, and so on — don’t do so thinking it’s speeding up your next match. Now, if you don’t want to vote or watch that stuff, that’s on you — everyone is free to play the game the way they enjoy playing it, as long as they’re not being toxic or abusive. But if you’re skipping those things thinking it’s an efficient choice to get as much play in as possible, you needn’t do so — there’s no benefit to you in doing it. While you’re waiting for your next match, the game is waiting for the match you just left to complete before it queues you up. So you might as well stay and see that Zarya player crush you into the dirt in the most epic of owns imaginable, because come on, man, she earned it.
Honestly, as someone who doesn’t actually play shooters like Overwatch, I find the victory poses to be some of the coolest stuff about the game. But even if you disagree, it’s not getting you a new match to quit as soon as someone wins.
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