What was your favorite Legion moment?

In some ways, it was the most fan-servicey (it’s a perfectly cromulent word) expansion we’ve ever had in World of Warcraft. It had Illidan, the Burning Legion, and even Sargeras himself. We got to use the fabled weapons packed with lore and story and led entire class orders into battle. So now that it’s basically over, what was your favorite moment? What happened in Legion that made your jaw drop, made you laugh, shake your head in disbelief?
I think for me it’s a toss up between Ysera’s ultimate fate and the Genn/Sylvanas confrontation. I mean, I won’t pretend — I actually teared up a little seeing Ysera die. And I’m still confused about what happened with Elune turning her into a constellation….if that’s actually what happened and could someone please explain what Elune actually is except maybe don’t.
Ahem. But I also got a huge amount of satisfaction watching Genn smash that lantern and destroy everything Sylvanas had been working toward. Stormheim was generally my least played zone after Highmountain — now that I have flying, I like both zones more. I didn’t like navigating them on the ground, though; I greatly preferred Azsuna or Val’Sharah. Despite that, I still look back at that moment.
After that I think I’m fondest of the moment where Aggramar dropped down on top of me and apparently I decided I could take him, before someone smarter than me teleported me out in time to keep me from being smashed into paste.
It’s been a wild ride, Legion. From the Broken Shore to Antorus, a lot has happened — major lore figures died, a whole mess of demons invaded the world, we made new friends that joined our factions, and now we’re ready to try and murder each other again just like we do every time the Legion gets dealt a defeat. What was your favorite moment?
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