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DiscussionAug 1, 2018 8:00 am CT

What do you love doing in Blizzard games?

There are a lot of feelings going around. So let’s talk about positive ones.

I still love transmog farming. I love completing a set, I love being able to find rare pieces that have a specific look. I still run Burning Crusade dungeons and raids for specific pieces that just haven’t dropped for me to complete looks I want. That’s true for pretty much every WoW expansion except Wrath of the Lich King. Not because I dislike the looks in that expansion, but because I have pretty much the entirety of that expansion’s plate drops and weapons — I farmed the heck out of it. Yes, especially Ulduar.

I also still enjoy starting a new low level Warrior alt, playing it for a while and then deleting it. Why do I enjoy doing this? I don’t know. But I do. It’s fun and it’s a good way to stay on top of what leveling a brand new Warrior is like. I like to have first person knowledge of the state of the class and getting a new Warrior up to 30 or 40 feels like a pretty solid exercise. I even keep some of them.

And I’m never going to stop loving taking a break from WoW to go play Diablo 3 and spin my way through GR 65 or so. I’m way behind on my paragon levels, but I’m chasing the dream and hoping to get to GR 70 this month. Slow, sure, but it’s getting done and that’s all that matters.

So how about y’all? What do you love to do in your favorite games? Are you a huge fan of using Brigitte’s Shield Charge to foil player attempts to knock you back? Do you love running weird decks in Hearthstone? Are there maps and heroes in Heroes of the Storm that you always enjoy playing, no matter what? What do you love best in your gaming?

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Filed Under: Blizzard, Games, Love

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