Download the updated WoW Companion app so you’re ready to take BFA on the go

If you’ve been using the mobile Legion companion app to run mission, then you’ll be excited by this news: the app has been updated for Battle for Azeroth. It’s called the WoW Companion App, which suggests it will be sticking around through expansions. It’s available now for Android and iOS, so grab your phone and check for updates, though you may have to delete your current app and install the new one from scratch.
While you can’t access all of the features yet, the app will be ready to go when the expansion launches. Broken Shore maps have been replaced with Kul Tiras and Zandalar, which will show World Quests when they’re available. The Missions, Recruits, and Champions have all been emptied, waiting to be filled with new Battle for Azeroth missions and companions. All of your research is gone, replaced by the new research tiers. Calendar and social tabs are labeled as “coming soon.”
Some Armory features are here, too, though they’re a bit hidden. If you click on the menu button in the upper left, you can review your gear, but only your gear. You can’t look up other characters or guilds, and you can’t see any of the other information you’d find in the Armory on the web. If you want more comprehensive info, you’ll still have to go to the web.
If you had the Legion version of the app, check for updates to find the new version — and if you didn’t search for WoW Companion App to find it in your app store of choice. While you can’t use all of the features yet, they’ll come in handy when you start running missions and doing research. The downside, though, is that you can’t run any last minute Legion missions with the app: it’s all Battle for Azeroth from here on out.
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