How do you decide which World Quests to do?

Another day, another batch of World Quests. I’m still working on my reputations, so I’m going to do World Quests for the Emissary. As you might have seen above, I had Order of Embers to do yesterday when I logged on. There were a few quests from which to choose. At this point in my rep grinds, unless something upgrades, there’s no gear I can get which is going to help my ilevel. My decision on which quests to do is more from a “Do I have anything else to do?” stand point. This means I often choose World Quests based on how fast I can get them done and the distance between them.
Fly to Fallhaven, run down the hill and kill Betsy. Receive a small Azerite cluster. Fly from Fallhaven to Corlain and run up to Waycrest Manor. Kill Executioner Blackwell for another small Azerite cluster. Use Improved Flight Master’s Whistle and wind up at the flight point at Whitegrove Chapel. Mount up on a Water Strider, jump off the hill, run over to Collector Kojo, do Shell Game. Mount up again and run down the coast. Get herbs on the way. Arrive in Anyport. Take the flight path from there to Arom Strand and do Which Witch. Receive a Smuggler’s Cove Ring, scrap it later because it’s not an upgrade. Done.
All of that took me 30 minutes and, if you couldn’t tell, was done rather mechanically.
To be honest, in spite of it taking around 30 minutes to complete, World Quests annoy me. I don’t feel like I get value for the amount of time it takes to do these, even when I’m not running thither and yon. There aren’t upgrades, and I’m essentially just rep grinding. When I scan offered quests, I look for how fast it will take me to get from point A to point B. If gear is offered, I check to see if I have that appearance already. Ironically, I’m still a bit invested in Legion World Quests as I’m finishing up 5000 World Quests… That and the Valajar have not given me their mount.
How about you? If you are Exalted with the various factions, are you still doing World Quests? How do you decide which ones to do? Finally, are you going back to Legion to do World Quests like I am? If so, why?
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