The Queue: Raven vs. Nathanos

“BlizzCon is over, and everything is worse now.” – Unknown Horse Prophet
That’s as clever an intro as I can think of right now. Let’s Queue.
So do y’all think the reception would have been as bad if they had just announced another DLC for Diablo 3? (I’m still holding out for Druids, btw.)
As bad? No, not as bad. People would, at this point, I think have been disappointed by anything that wasn’t Diablo 4. But there are a number of factors that went in to the overwhelmingly negative response, outside of just the fact that a mobile title is not Diablo 4.
Weenies don’t do that. =/
2BE: Ashe vs. B.O.B
False, weenies would, because Malfurion did it and Malfurion is a weenie. That’s just how these things work.
B.O.B. — and I say that for several reasons, but mostly because I’ve been in games where a B.O.B. ultimate demolished several Ashes without a sweat.
Q4tQ: Are you disappointed that there wasn’t a major announcement for Hearthstone? It really feels like the franchise is in freefall and I was kinda hoping a major revamp is in store.
Q4tQ: Do you think Blizzard is giving Xal’athath to Sylvie in the hopes that it’ll calm her down?
Honestly, Hearthstone is the Blizzard IP I play the least. What they do or do not do doesn’t really affect me. I’m not quite sure how they’re in a freefall though. All I ever think of when I think of that game is Blizzard printing money.
Nope. Waifu with Knaifu is best laifu. Go forth and kill!
So, which is the square root of 3216854135213?
And I did all that math in my own head.
Odds on Vulpera/Mecagnomes being the next Allied Race pairing?
Vulpera have felt like a foregone conclusion for ages, so yeah, high chance there. I had been half-thinking we’d get Mecha Gnomes alongside them (mostly because I don’t know what else we’d get…), but now that we know we’re getting a whole Mecha Gnome-themed area and megadungeon and all that? Yeah, it feels like Vulpera/Mecha Gnomes are on deck.
Q4tq: when we finally give Azshara what’s coming to her, do you think she’d go well with a nice marinara sauce or should my paladin whip up some garlic aioli?
For starters, I don’t think we’ll actually kill Azshara. Or at least I strongly hope we won’t. That said, go with squid ink or pesto.
2BE: D.Va vs Mekkatorque (both in their mech suits)
Mekkatorque has P.L.O.T Armor, so he might not die, but… D.Va would definitely kick his butt, especially with the explosion.
Q4tQ: Flynn and Taelia… cute couple… yes? Does he even have a clue who she is?
Q4tQ: should Geblin Mekkatorque become the next Lich King? I don’t see that Bolvar slacker making it.
No, not cute couple. Taelia is my bae and she’s too good for Flynn.
Mekkatorque as the Lich King? He’d be punted off the Frozen Throne in two seconds and we’d need a new Lich King. Because, y’know, there must always be one of those.
Now it’s time to let Liz respond to my response to that last question. Have a great Tuesday!
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