The Queue: I wish Blizzard would make an open world RPG

If I had to list my favorite games of the past decade, I know that Diablo 3 and World of Warcraft would be on that list, but I also know that Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age 2, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Dragon Age Inquisition and now Assassin’s Creed Odyssey would also be high on that thing. And I really wish, in all the really good multiplayer stuff that Blizzard is putting out, that there felt like there was anybody there willing to take one of those IP’s I love like Diablo or StarCraft and go nuts with a gigantic open world game that I could play whether or not my internet connection was up that moment.
I know, this is a perennial complaint with me. But still, I’d love to play a single player RPG with the polish and attention to detail of Overwatch.
Basically I’ve been spending a lot of time in Ancient Greece lately and I’d love it if I could have that kind of experience in Sanctuary is what I’m saying. Anyway, it’s the Queue, let’s do this.
I wonder if Rossi has ever thought of Christmas lights for his beard. Good idea or fire hazard?
I have not. And I shaved my beard down, so while I still have a beard, it’s not the ridiculous thing it was before and it likely won’t support Christmas lights for a few days.
Look, my beard grows fast. I’m balding and ancient, but the hair on my face is making up for it.
This whole story from 8.1 and Battle for Azeroth overall reminds me of the quote:
“We trade one villain for another…”
Dat being said that’s WoW in a nutshell really. *amused Druid*
Do we trade them, or do we make them?
I keep coming back around to this idea that ever since Cataclysm we keep seeing villains rise who, in one way or another, we could be said to bear some responsibility for. Garrosh is less that for the Alliance, admittedly, but Gul’dan could have been dealt with when he was trapped and helpless and we didn’t do it, leading to the entire events of Legion, and it was the fault of both factions that relations between them soured so precipitously. Pretty much everything that’s happening now is, at least in part, the fault of us ‘heroes of Azeroth’ and I’m reminded of how we basically went to Pandaria, blew the place up, and then peaced out to Draenor where we basically did the same thing.
I don’t know. I feel like maybe I’m being unfair, but at the same time I wonder how much actual world saving we do contrasted with the idea that we don’t save Azeroth so much as we postpone its destruction, kicking the can down the road for our future selves to deal with.
Oh right, we should expect a slow day in the queue today.
Well, how was everyone’s holiday? Up here it was just a day.
We could talk about Black Friday, Any of y’all buying anything fun? I’m ridiculously poor so I’ll live vicariously through you.
Someone convince me not to buy all the DA:I DLC for $20
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is available for 50% off from Ubisoft. Go buy that. Then go buy the DA:I DLC because that was all pretty good too.
Seriously Odyssey is so good.
I finished the Tiragarde Sound storyline. So far Drustvar seems the most cohesive of the storylines, but that may be because it was the only one I played without interruption. I think when I start leveling my alts I’m going to try to focus on the other two zones with those to see if they feel a little less disjointed without running off in the middle of them. But first I seem to have gotten the first quest for retrieving Jaina so I’ll do that. I am as yet undecided if I will move on to alts before working on the war campaign. Does anyone know if the increases to rep for that in a couple of weeks are going to be greater than what I can get from the stacking buffs?
I would wait for the War Campaign to start giving rep — I’ve done it on three Alliance characters now and I find it really annoying how it doesn’t give rep, it absolutely always should have.
Horizon Zero Dawn or Assassins Creed Odyssey is the question that’s facing me now…
They’re both really good, but I’d go with Odyssey over HZD, HZD over God of War (also good) and God of War over Red Dead Redemption 2. Look, RDR2 just isn’t my thing.
I’m trying very very hard to restrain my ACO fangushing and I feel like I should be rewarded.
Has anyone seen an off-hand item world quest? Or am I going to be stuck with this 340 mace I can’t use and an equipped 298 staff forever?
I think, when I get around to compiling a list of the best and worst things about Battle for Azeroth, I may well put Weapon Drops in both categories. It’s nice getting new drops again, not always using the same thing all expansion long, but when I see questions like this asked or hear from Rogue friends about how they got another fist weapon they can’t use because they’re Assassination Rogues, I feel disquieted.
I get that loot is random, but there has to be a better way to go about this. There just has to be.
Q4TQ: Do you think Blizzard should re-record the voices for older character races?
When playing allied races, I can’t help but notice that these newer races usually have MUCH better voices than most of the original races. Races like orc, tauren and gnome, especially, often sound very quiet or muffled. Hearing an orc and then hearing a mag’har orc speak really shows the difference.
Besides, a LOT of RPGs (MMO or not) allow you to pick your character’s voice, giving you a bunch of options. I wish that Blizzard would record at least one new set of voices for every race, and allow players to choose.
If Blizzard wanted to make sure I’d never play my Tauren again, they’d change his voice on me. To me, that is what Tauren sound like. I do not think they could detach me from my character faster if they wanted to. Even the whole thing with the Horde being hard for me to identify with at the moment isn’t keeping me from logging on my Orc occasionally just because I’m fond of him, but making his voice sound different might really do it.
I realize this is an argument from nostalgia. And I don’t hate the idea of offering people choices in terms of voices. But to just go back and re-record them? No, I don’t think I would like that idea.
Okay, that’s the Queue for this Friday. Take it easy, everyone. I hope you have a peaceful day.
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