These datamined Overwatch Paris voice lines might hint at something big

A bunch of voice lines from Overwatch’s latest Paris map have been found in the games files and they may hint at something big coming to the game or at least the ongoing story.
All of the voice lines are one side of a conversation featuring Luna, the Omnic lady in the game’s cabaret attacker spawn. All of the lines were found by Reddit user Karahe and put into a video translated by one of their Discord members.
A lot of Luna’s lines seem to refer to specific heroes in the game, like a line about how Zenyatta reminds her of “another monk, who came to hear me sing” — which is clearly a reference to Tekartha Mondatta, the Omnic preacher that Widowmaker kills in the Alive short. One line has Luna impressed by cowboy McCree, while another has her sounds disgusted at an unknown hero: “It you keep on looking at me this way, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
Luna has an attitude, but it’s coming from a specific place. Being an Omnic in Paris, she’s fighting for her and her people’s rights and might have more to her than a beautiful voice and cat ears. Luna has four voice lines that have to do with cats and they repeat a bit about how “the cat climbs on the wall.” It’s unclear what that means; it might be code for Omnic revolutionaries or simply a throwaway line, considering that the club itself has a cat poster on the wall.
None of these voice lines activate in the game right now. That doesn’t mean they’re not going to show up later. They could be a tease for a new hero or a new event or just a little more flavor for the map. It’s worth noting that there’s many voice lines in the game’s files that aren’t used still, so it’s also possible these will never leave the confines of the game’s files. Whatever they are, they’re worth keeping an eye on. There’s clearly something more going on with Luna and the Paris map.
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