WoW Cinematic features Saurfang and our old buddy Thrall

The new World of Warcraft cinematic “Safe Haven” features some great interplay and character building with Saurfang and Thrall. One is trying to salvage what he can of the honor of the Horde as it turns down a dark road under the Banshee Queen. The other insisted the Horde could act honorably in the first place, but turned his back on them for a quiet life with his family.
As the cinematic opens, Saurfang is touching base with Thrall in his new home in Burning Crusade era Nagrand. Thrall tries to steer the conversation from his family, pointedly avoiding telling Saurfang where his wife and children are. As the conversation continues, the two are attacked by Undead assassins. Thrall accuses Saurfang of being followed, but Saurfang lets Thrall know that he has it backwards — Saurfang followed the assassins to Nagrand to find Thrall. He has nowhere to run, and he can’t keep his family safe even in the idyllic islands of Nagrand.
The imagery of a slowly disintegrating field of wheat is contrasted perfectly with the theme of the story. Thrall is content to sit idly by while both the fields and the Horde wither, as long as it serves his own ends — until he is suddenly, forcibly unable to deny the reality of the situation. The music takes cues from the old theme in Nagrand and serves as a great nostalgia hit to accompany the visual image of our old friend finally taking up arms as he should.
Lok’tar ogar.
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