What’s the strangest wish you have for a Blizzard game?

Every time I play Heroes of the Storm, I immediately regret how terrible I am at it. The second thing I think is that I wish it had a campaign mode like StarCraft or Warcraft 3. I know that probably sounds insane — Heroes of the Storm is a MOBA, based on the by now ancient Defense of the Ancients mod for WCIII so I’m basically saying I want a mode of play in a game based on mod to an old Blizzard game that would make it play more like that original game. We’re getting close to Inception levels of meta-awareness, but I still want it — imagine an interlocking series of campaign missions that led you to explore the strange storylines Blizzard has been crafting in HOTS for the past couple of years. I’d definitely be interested in seeing that. A mission in NeoStormwind, another in Dragon Shire, moving you into some sort of understanding of what’s up with Orphea and her father Oberon the Raven Lord and the Dark Nexus — and I know it’s not going to happen but I very much want it to.
I mean, I seriously nerd out imagining going to the world where Thrall becomes a servant of the Burning Legion or Tyrande travels to Silvermoon with Dath’remar and becomes a Blood Elf in time. The weird skins from Heroes of the Storm frankly have a ton of storytelling potential and the game really could explore that in a campaign mode.
Similarly, I want a far more robust PVP system for Diablo 3. They kind of added it with Brawling, but I really wish they’d gone further with it and added in some actual battlegrounds and modes so you could have Capture the Flag or Guard the Objective style group PVP in Diablo 3 instead of just whaling on other members of your own party. Again, not something I ever expect to happen, but I’d love to see it. Then again, I’m the guy who wanted a story in Diablo 3 about Imperius.
So what about you? Do you want something like Fortnite in WoW? A means to import your WoW Classic characters into WoW proper once you’ve played for a while and want to start advancing past 60? Overwatch to get a story mode? What’s your deepest wish that’s probably never ever going to happen in a Blizzard game?
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