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Off TopicJun 11, 2019 5:30 pm CT

Off Topic: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’s future is only limited by our creativity with new Story Creator Mode

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey has been out since last October, and the last installment of the Fate of Atlantis DLC will be out in July, with a new Lost Tales of Greece quest to follow.

That will bring an end to new content for the game from Ubisoft, so it’s fair to say that Assassin’s Creed Odyssey will be over. But that’s not to say that there won’t be anything new for ACO in the future. Indeed, there will be a way for you to play new content — just not from Ubisoft.

That’s because Ubisoft has put the means to make new quests and missions into the hands of the player base with Story Creator Mode.

So what is Story Creator Mode? Well, it’s not a map editor — you won’t be adding new areas, zones, or textures and art assets to the game. Instead, you’ll be able to pick and choose from various NPC’s and areas in the vast game world of Odyssey‘s ancient Greece to create your own quests, complete with your own branching dialogue. They’ll even be playable cross-platform, so if you play Assassin’s Creed Odyssey on a PC and use the Story Creator toolset to create a story, it’s playable on PC, PlayStation 4 or Xbox One. However, in order to make content with the Story Creator, you will need to have access to a PC or a laptop — you can’t use the Story Creator directly from your console.

Think of the Story Creator as a quest maker — you can create a single quest or chain several together to create an ongoing story for people to play through, in much the same way as the Lost Tales of Greece quests work. Now, I won’t pretend this is an idea without any problems — a quick perusal of the over 1000 such stories on the official site already shows us a lot of lemons. But it’s still early days for the Story Creator — it was just announced and rolled out, after all, and more content will come as more people grow comfortable with the toolset.

You do need to have a Ubisoft account already for Story Creator Mode, but it doesn’t cost anything except for the time it takes to sign up. So if you have the game on PC and are interested in trying your hand at quest design, this is your chance. See what you can do, what story you can create, and have fun with the wide assortment of NPC’s available in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.

You can head over to Ubisoft’s website to start creating your own stories right now.

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