How was your experience reserving a character name for WoW Classic?

Yesterday, Blizzard opened up the ability to create a character — and thus reserve a name — on WoW Classic servers. We’d been given plenty of heads up that this was going to happen, had a list of servers to choose from and coordinate with friends about in advance, and even had a Blizzard-created forum to help us reconnect (or just connect!) with friends who plan to play when the game goes live. Despite — or perhaps because of — all that, the actual name-claim game was… well, honestly, it was exactly what you should have expected from everyone trying to log into the game at once.
Some people managed to get the name of the character they’d rolled back in vanilla with no issue at all and even on multiple servers. Others may not have gotten their first picks, but they still got a name they wanted on the server(s) of their choice. But there were still folks who had bad luck across the board, not getting any of their ideal name choices, and encountering login issues galore. One of our own at Blizzard Watch seemed to be in the clear with three characters on an RP realm… only to log in again and see that her characters were spread out across several non-RP servers.
Again, it was a pretty Classic experience all around!
For my part, I encountered some initial hiccups before managing to get my character’s name on the three servers I’d been hoping for (two PVP, one PVE). I was genuinely nervous for a bit when I relogged and found myself in a massive queue, but it worked out in the end. Enough about me, though. I want to know about you guys! How did was your experience reserving names on the WoW Classic servers? Did you get your first choice? Second choice? What about the servers you were going for? And did your friends all have the same luck as you? Sound off below!
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