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Overwatch 2Nov 14, 2019 10:00 am CT

How to get the Dr. Ziegler Legendary Mercy skin and more

Overwatch’s winged healer has a brand new event that rewards you with a full set of fancy sprays, an icon, and a casual, Legendary skin. Much like the previous challenge events, you’ll have to play the game and watch others play it on Twitch to unlock everything.

As the short story reveals, Mercy — or Angela Ziegler as she is known outside Overwatch — is ready to differentiate herself from the hero she once was. She wants to change the world quietly, but struggles to find a way out of the shadow of Overwatch’s influence and notoriety. To mirror that, Blizzard released the Dr. Ziegler skin that puts her in a lab coat and parts of her iconic battle suit. Along with it come a series of Twitch-linked sprays by artist Vicki Sigh that depict the doctor both as a hero and as a very tired woman.

To get the first set of rewards you’ll need to win nine games in Quick Play, Competitive, or Arcade. At three wins, you’ll unlock the icon, at six, you’ll grab two sprays from the short story itself, and at the ninth win, you’ll get the skin. If you want the six other sprays, you’ll need to watch six total hours of any Twitch stream under the Overwatch category. You can double check below the stream that drops are enabled to make sure that your watch time is being counted toward the sprays. Note: Make sure to link your Battle.net account to your Twitch account via Settings and Connections.

The entire event lasts until December 2. That probably means that the game’s annual Winter Wonderland event will start sometime soon after. And remember that these challenge skins are only available for a limited time. None of them have became available in any other way, so you’ll want to make sure to grab them before they go!

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