What gaming did you do over the long weekend?

This weekend, for many folks in America, was an extra long one thanks to the Thanksgiving holiday. And extra long holidays mean an extra long amount of gaming time! Unless you’re traveling. In which case, I’ll press F for you. Regardless, even though my Thursday and Friday were both pretty packed with holiday-themed things, I spent most of Saturday and Sunday doing nothing but gaming and being lazy — which felt great!
The funny thing is, though, I had planned to spend this weekend finishing my Pokémon Sword Pokédex and then playing a ton of WoW Classic. You know what I ended up doing instead? Playing the new Season of Diablo 3 so much that I’m already through the Slayer portion of the Season Journey. Honestly, it was 100% not what I planned or expected to happen in my gaming world this weekend. And even though part of me is a bit sad to not have done what I wanted to in the other games, most of me is happy that I got so sucked into a game that I basically lost all sense of time.
I’ve been in and out of Seasons since the introduction of Seasonal buffs, but man, did Blizzard win me over with Pandemonium. It takes what was already a fun aspect of Diablo — chaining kills and murdering as many things as possible — and makes it even better. It’s been a ton of fun, and even though it wasn’t at all what I had planned, I’m happy that it’s how I spent my long weekend.
How about all of you, though? What did you do over your long weekend (assuming you had one)? Did you have gaming goals going into it? Did you stick to them, or were you more like me and wound up doing something completely unplanned? Sound off below!
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