We keep seeing Horrific Vision hotfixes, but Stormwind is still busted

Horrific Visions just keep getting adjusted, and I’m wondering, do you think they’ll get any more hotfixes? Some of the changes aren’t really to the visions themselves per se. The most recent hotfix to the cap on Coalescing Visions is more a Quality of Life change than anything else — it means that you don’t have to worry about cluttering up your bags with Vessels because you’re running into the cap on Coalescing Visions, because now there is no cap. Similarly, the change so that the Cache of the Black Empire will reward 12,500 Coalescing Visions instead of a Vessel and 2500 CV is based around letting you buy Vessels as needed instead of leaving them in your bags, and seems aimed at not having to make the Vessels stack for whatever reason.
But we’ve seen hotfixes to Horrific Vision difficulty before — for example, the amount of damage Tanks and Healers needed to complete them solo has been reduced in the past. The number of pages needed for cloak levels has been reduced, Magister Umbric went from casting Frozen Storm three times to two times, Alleria only drains 40 Sanity with Darkened Sky now, down from 60, and in general there has been an overall shift down in difficulty and inconvenience for Horrific Visions. My question is, do you guys think they’ve hit the target yet?
Are Horrific Visions at the baseline level of difficulty they should be at? I mean, if you want them to be harder, that’s already covered — You can grab some masks and up the difficulty. So it makes sense to me that they should be, if not easy, at least approachable for soloing players just trying to get their cloaks. But we also know that the overall consensus is that the Stormwind Vision is by far the more difficult of the two, to the point where players actually skip running Visions when they’re set in Stormwind. Is it just that Alleria combined really badly with other effects and makes it so much harder, or is Stormwind itself just a more difficult set of encounters? Does it need to be adjusted?
The most recent hotfixes won’t have any effect on Horrific Vision difficulty. They’ll make it easier for you to avoid Stormwind, though — you can grind up all those Coalescing Visions, not worry about the cap, and then once the Vision switches back to Orgrimmar you’ll be able to run it twice as much. Is that enough of a fix? I’m not an expert, but it feels to me like saying Oh, it’s Stormwind? Hard pass means that Stormwind needs an adjustment, even if not every player is saying that. We’ve seen a lot of adjustments to Horrific Vision difficulty, and I think it’s time to look at bringing Stormwind and Orgrimmar closer in terms of difficulty.
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