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WoWSep 4, 2020 6:00 pm CT

Blizzard is letting us vote on what free mount they make for Shadowlands

Sometimes, amidst the unfortunate events of life, we do get a few nice surprises. Getting to pick a virtual mount for our World of Warcraft characters — and then receiving it for free — does count as a nice surprise. And that’s exactly what the WoW team has decided to grace us with!

The next Shadowlands mount will be decided by the community, in a vote between five different options. And once the winner has been selected, everyone who owns the Shadowlands expansion will get to add it to their collection. There are currently two polls — one for players from NA servers, and another for EU servers. Do keep in mind that their servers seem to be experiencing high traffic, and many players are currently unable to login to vote — so if that happens to you, you may want to return later.

Blizzard’s team of artists has already come up with five mount concepts, from which you will pick one. It’s unknown if the other four concepts that don’t win the poll will also be made into real mounts at some point, but we do know that only the winner of this poll will be given away for free, so your vote matters.

To vote, head on over to this forum post (NA) or this forum post (EU) and pick your favorite by September 18 at 3:00 p.m. Pacific. Here are the concepts for each option you’ll be able to pick from:

Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment (Official Post)

  • Wandering Ancient – Not all ancients are interested in war or lore, some just want to travel the world! A large and leafy mount, the Wandering Ancient invites you to climb aboard and grab ahold of its branches as you embark on a lumbering expedition.
  • Soaring Spelltome – In the forgotten depths of the Dalaran library, this oversized tome was found flapping madly around the room. Open the pages of this arcane-infused book and hitch a ride to magical adventure.
  • Nerubian Swarmer – When the Helm of Domination shattered, the Nerubians under the control of the Lich King were unleashed. Some were captured by the Argent Crusade and turned by their allies in the Ebon Blade. Now their spidery claws are put to use as mounts, skittering through the frozen tundra of Icecrown in pursuit of the rampaging undead.
  • Curious Caterpillar – A curious caterpillar found its way to the Heartland in Valley of the Four Winds one night and gorged itself on the oversized vegetables. The Pandaren of Halfhill awoke the next morning to find the crops half-eaten and an enormous, slumbering caterpillar among them. Too large to become a butterfly, this friendly worm is just the right size to train as a mount.
  • Gooey Slimesaber – From the slime pools of Plaguefall emerged all manner of jellied creature, including this sticky kitty. A slimy saber cat that’s dripping with ooze, it’s the kind of mount that you’re going to want to wear gloves for.

So, between the Ancient, the Spellbook, the Nerubian, the Caterpillar, and the Jellycat, which one is your favorite? Feel free to tell us in the comments, but remember to vote for it as well!

And if the jelly cat mount doesn’t win, you can still pet the jelly kitties in Maldraxxus when the expansion goes live. Here’s our video guide to the Nine Afterlives achievement.


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