The Queue: The Return of Ashkandi

It’s been a long time since an Ashkandi screenshot lead the Queue, hasn’t it? Well, here’s my new Dwarf Warrior, with her Wildhammer face tattoos and a great big honking sword, in the classic World of Warcraft idiom.
This is the Queue. Let’s talk WoW and other stuff.
Q4tQ: Do you think Oodansta made it to Ardenweald?
Oondasta isn’t dead, so no.
I know I had a lore question for you, but now I can’t remember it. I should have written it down.
Well, there’s always our Discord server, if you’d like to ask it for this week’s Lorewatch.
Q4Rossi: when are you giving us your thoughts on the Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 1 ending, like you promised months ago? I’m eagerly waiting!
Well, I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t played it yet. I think it’s very interesting what they did, and I am deeply curious to see how it plays out. Perhaps I’ll do a post with a big ol’ spoiler warning up top for people who haven’t seen it yet.
What is the class you would add to WoW, and why?
I’d probably split Warriors into a Barbarian style class and a Fighter style class. The Warrior (they’d keep the name) would be built around Arms, Protection and a third spec based around ranged weapons, a pure Archer/Musketeer spec, no pet or anything like that. Maybe use a 1h weapon like a duelist in addition to the ranged attacks?
The Barbarian would split Fury into Titan’s Grip spec, SMF spec, and Gladiator spec, which would switch between various weapons including a 1h and a 2h along with a shield. I’d probably call them Behemoth Spec, Berserker Spec and Gladiator Spec.
So depending on how you looked at it, maybe I’d be adding Barbarians? Also, I feel kind of like I’m answering Sibylle’s question about my ideal spec a bit, because it would likely be either the Behemoth or Berserker Barbarian spec, and either way It would be pretty close to how Fury plays now or how Barbarians played in the Diablo 4 demo.
Would the pre-patch zombie event starting up prior to Halloween be good or bad? Might get a little confusing with some costumed zombies running around with real zombies, but then again it might feed into the holiday spirit.
I’ll tell you, if they wanted to recreate the sheer pandemonium of that original event, with cities shutting down and masses of shambling zombies everywhere, dropping it during the holiday would probably help with that. It’s hard to imagine now, but the original Scourge Invasion was chaotic and people had no idea what was happening or what to do about it.
I don’t know if you could recreate that — even in WoW Classic I suspect players today will be a lot more organized and savvy about it when it happens — but if you wanted to give it the best possible chance, dropping it during a holiday so people didn’t realize it was happening right away might be the best shot of getting away with it.
Q4tQ: 6 month subscription bonus, free transmog sets or free mounts?
For Alliance, a transmog set Horse costume.
For Horde, a mount of a Worg in a Horse costume.
Q4tQ: is Rossi going to wake up and devour the queue tomorrow?
Is it the Fudgie the Whale video? Are we just assuming I’m going to eat Anna’s character? What’s even happening and why is the assumption that I’ll respond to whatever it is with eating it?
Someone explain why I want to play Overwatch, I’m not even good at Overwatch.
I feel you. Due to the issues with my eyesight (legally blind and all) I get monstrously motion sick trying to play Overwatch but I love the game’s lore and I’d love to be good at Reinhardt, yelling Hammer down! and running around shielding people. But I am not, because five minutes or less of the game and I get quite nauseous and sick.
I am forever watching Overwatch from the sidelines.
Okay, that’s the Queue for this week. Thanks to everyone who answered my early thread with a question. It made this a lot easier.
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