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Discussion > WoWNov 24, 2020 8:00 am CT

How fast are you planning to devour all the Shadowlands content?

It’s officially Shadowlands time, and that means it’s time to go crazy trying to blaze through to level 60 as fast as humanly possible while doing every single dungeon, every quest, everything the game has to offer all at once, progress every profession, go go go it’s here it’s here aaaaaaaahh. Or not! I mean, you don’t have to do that. But if you did do that, well, you wouldn’t be the first and you wouldn’t be the last.

I used to approach every expansion like this. I would try and get to max level as fast as possible, while at the same time trying to clear out every zone’s quests until they were picked bare like a cloud of questing locusts have dome through to clear the land of yellow exclamation points. I’d talk to everyone, try to pick up any profession upgrading I possibly could, and in general I worked myself into a stupor until I’d finally collapse like a racoon that stumbled upon a fully stocked pantry and gorged itself unconscious, except instead of a whole turkey the family was brining for the big Thanksgiving feast it was World of Warcraft and yeah, that actually happened, I grew up on a farm. I have seen what a racoon looks like unconscious next to a half-eaten turkey carcass, and I have been that racoon — but for Shadowlands I want to take my time more.

No, for this expansion I wish to be the clever racoon that paces himself, not the one who gets shooed out of the pantry with a broom. This time I’m going to sneak on, play for a while, and then log off before I start to get exhausted eyes and that exclamation point stupor on my face.

But what about you? How are you pacing yourself this expansion? Will you be taking it easy or are you going to be level 60 by the time I finish this paragraph? How are you going to consume Shadowlands?

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