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Discussion > WoWDec 21, 2020 8:00 am CT

What sort of afterlife or Covenant would you add to WoW: Shadowlands?

Shadowlands (the expansion) gave us only a small handful of different afterlives to experience — in very broad terms, we have Bastion for noble folk, Maldraxxus for soldiers and fighters, Ardenweald for the nature lovers among us, and Revendreth for the just-barely-good-enough baddies who need to atone for what they did in life. Oh, and then there’s the Maw for the worst of the worst. But the Shadowlands itself is supposed to have infinite afterlives. So why not think of what some of those might look like?

For me, I always think of Shaman when the topic of new zones comes up. While it obviously varies from individual to individual, the class as a whole feels like it doesn’t really have a zone to call home with our current offerings. There’s gotta be an afterlife that fits the more elementally attuned among us, right? Right. I admit I’m not very creative when it comes to thinking up a Shamanistic afterlife, but my immediate thought jumps to a cross between Nagrand’s Elemental Throne and the Shaman Class Hall. Basically something filled with lots of elements, but with the stylistic benefit of being able to ignore Azerothian physics.

But maybe we get silly with it. Maybe there’s a metropolis-like afterlife out there for all the business moguls in the universe. I’m picturing tall buildings, crowded streets and walkways, and Brokers hiding in alleys. Think “Kezan but a lot more pristine” — a city of the future that might feel at home in Overwatch. Or maybe there’s an afterlife for people who really like reading and writing. An endless library that seamlessly integrates both indoor and outdoor portions, the perfect outside locations to write in peace, and that “new-book smell” wherever you go. Yeah, I’d like that quite a bit.

What about you, though? What afterlife is World of Warcraft: Shadowlands currently missing? What’s an afterlife you’d like to see added to the game? What about a more silly or “out there” one? Sound off below!

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