Please enjoy these Blizzard Watch BlizzConline Bingo boards

Today’s BlizzConline is going to be full of merriment and excitement — and since it’s all about video games, why not turn the whole thing into yet another game? Brilliant, if we do say so ourselves. So we decided to do just that, and make a couple Bingo boards for you to play along with at home (because we’re assuming you’re all at home). Besides, what are they going to do, kick us out? It’s an online convention. We won’t discount getting banned from Twitch chat, though.
If you’ve never played before, the rules to our Bingo game are simple. When the thing printed in a square happens, go ahead and mark it off on your board. If you get five in a straight line, whether it’s a row, column, or diagonal, you win! Yell “Bingo!” I’m sure the other people in your house will be suitably impressed by this. This means you won, but your prize is only glory, and the joy of yelling Bingo.
We went ahead and made two boards for you to play with things that may-or-may not happen during the convention, featuring most of Blizzard’s franchises. You can choose to do just one, or fill out both while you’re watching panels — and hopefully refreshing our site to see if there’s any news you missed. There’s a lot of news going on all at once, so we’ve got you covered. If you’re the creative type, we also included a blank bingo board you can fill in with your own quips and predictions. We’d say you should go on and share them with your friends, but maybe just do that over social media.
Everything else aside, have fun, stay safe, and enjoy the show!
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