What are your thoughts on the return of BlizzCon next year?
I'll be 100% honest: I thought BlizzCon was dead.
BlizzCon is coming back… in 2026
After BlizzCon 2024 was canceled, we wondered if we would ever see another BlizzCon.
Nerub-ar Palace is the first raid in The War Within, and it opens September 10 (that’s today!) on Normal, Heroic, and Raid Finder difficulties
The first raid in the current World of Warcraft expansion, The War Within, is the Nerub-ar Palace, and it's opening September 10.
When is BlizzCon 2024? Never! This year’s convention is officially cancelled.
BlizzCon 2024, the first BlizzCon that would've occurred since Microsoft's acquisition of Activision-Blizzard was approved by the FTC, has been cancelled.
When do you think we’ll get information on BlizzCon 2024?
2024 keeps chugging ahead and we're already more than a quarter of the year through.
What do last week’s Blizzard layoffs bode for BlizzCon in 2024?
Last week's layoffs and the concurrent cancellation of the Untitled Survival Game left an early black mark on Blizzard's fortunes in 2024.
Tackle the Abattoir of Zir for Diablo 4 endgame challenges, ending soon!
Announced during BlizzCon 2023, the Abattoir of Zir is a new, themed endgame event for Diablo 4 Season 2, described as a "grueling test" to provide an additional challenge for endgame players.
How the Rune Engraving system works in WoW Classic Season of Discovery, now live!
World of Warcraft Classic's latest specialized season of content, Season of Discovery, has officially arrived!
All of the class-ability runes (so far) in WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery
Season of Discovery, World of Warcraft Classic's latest specialized season of content, has put a new spin on Classic by taking certain class abilities from different expansions throughout World of Warcraft's lifetime and applying it to the Classic era setting.
WoW Classic Season of Discovery is now live!
One of the big reveals coming out of BlizzCon 2023 was the announcement of World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery, which launched globally at 1 PM pacific time on November 30.