Diablo Immortal will not follow the seasonal approach of Diablo 3

The seasonal cycle has become a central part of the life of Diablo 3 players. With new titles finally on the horizon for the series, and given how much of early Diablo Immortal gameplay has drawn inspiration from Diablo 3, players have been curious about whether that facet of endgame content will make a reappearance. It came up during the Q&A panel at BlizzConline: Will seasons will be making the leap to mobile?
Wyatt Cheng, Diablo Immortal‘s Lead Game Designer, said that the seasonal approach as we’ve seen it will not be present in the mobile game. He presented the appeal of seasons in Diablo 3 as driven by the chance to reset chunks of progress with their characters and the addition of new content. He said they will focus solely on the content-update facet.
According to Cheng, the idea of resetting wasn’t how the team wanted to approach Diablo Immortal. Other panels this weekend emphasized that the late game of Diablo Immortal will be extensive and will have a long lifespan, so even without the seasonal approach that has become so familiar, there will still be fresh experiences for even long-time players. When asked in the Q&A about the approach to patch content, Cheng said players can expect to see storylines, zones, dungeons, items, Paragon trees, and items added over the game’s duration.
“More of everything,” he said. “We’ll just keep piling it on.”
So there will be a lot of changes to Diablo Immortal over time. But don’t expect to have it feel like the cyclical resets and themed events that you’ve gotten to know in Diablo 3.
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