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Off TopicJul 23, 2021 6:00 pm CT

Some days, you just need to watch a dog video

Dogs are great. Dogs are friendly, fluffy, and funny. And at times when we humans are overwhelmed by rage, sorrow, or frustration, they can even help us cope. So whether you need it now or you bookmark this collection for some time in the future, here are some dog videos to help you through a hard day.

Bamboozled by magic

The internet loves shibas, but it seems shibas do not love magic.

The corgi flop

Those little legs are just doing their best.

Dogs in boots

Searching ‘dogs in boots’ is one of the most sure-fire ways to get a laugh on YouTube.

Calm grooming

It’s like spa time for the pup and for your mind.

Slow-mo puppy playtime

Eight minutes of ultimate fluffitude.

A dog’s best friend

I remain convinced that this is the most adorable fifteen seconds of all time.

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Filed Under: Dogs, Videos

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