What’s your favorite alt class?
Everyone knows that I main Warriors and love them, but what I don’t talk about as much is how much I enjoy having a Paladin alt — I have two that I’m working on, and I enjoy the flexibility of healing, tanking or DPSing on one character. I wasn’t always sold on Pallies as my ‘main alt’ if you will — it used to be Shaman that I considered my go to alts and I still think they’re a great class but I don’t like them as much as Paladins now. I mean, Paladins? Aren’t they like the enemies of Warriors? No, they aren’t, and believe me, I’m as surprised as you are.
But maybe I shouldn’t be. My first WoW character was a Paladin. And the only class more flexible than a Paladin is a Druid, which I think is maybe too much for me. Druids are cool, it’s an indisputable fact that they’re awesome and can do practically anything, but I honestly think I can’t handle all of those options. I need something a little bit more grounded and centered and less capable of literally anything. But man, I get why some people like Druids now — they’re crazy good.
I mean, I have a Worgen Druid, but I haven’t played him in a while, while my two Pallies get played every expansion. And I really like my Hunter and my Death Knight, but neither of them have the flexibility of the Paladins. Plus I like the plate transmog look and I won’t pretend having the Ashbringer isn’t a fun look. So yeah, I’d say Paladins are my favorite alts in WoW.
In Diablo 3 it’s Crusaders, so I’m starting to see a pattern here.
But what about y’all? What class is your favorite runner up, your go to class when not playing your go to class? What’s your favorite class to play as an alt?
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