Tavern Watch Plays Witchlight, Episode 3: The perils of custard-related saving throws
Welcome back to another Feywild adventure as our crew of D&D players continue their adventures through the Witchlight Carnival playing The Wild Beyond the Witchlight with Joe, Matt, Andrew, Anna, with DM Liz.
In this session, our intrepid party finally encounters the carnival’s enigmatic owners only to have some carousel unicorns reveal the true danger behind the scenes. And somewhere along the way, they also meet a clown suspiciously named Mr. Thaco and face their most challenging challenge yet: a cupcake eating contest.
Have we piqued your curiosity? You can listen to Episode 3: The perils of custard-related saving throws on Soundcloud or directly from this post. You can also click on download icon along the lower bar of the player below to listen on your own device.
Not caught up with our Witchlight game? You can find the entire series in our Witchlight playlist.
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