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The QueueFeb 2, 2022 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Work in progress

Gonna just get right to it this week. It’s the Queue, you know how this works, and I haven’t slept more than an hour a day in a week so I doubt I could be clever even if I wanted to.


Q4TQ: I’ve done Korthia intro quests a ton and I don’t think they’ve ever explained why the wild life there causes you to bleed when you attack it. Is this ever explained and if not, what is your head canon as to why they do this?

I don’t think there’s an explanation given, but I just assume they’re covered in quills like a giant, angry porcupine or a Triceratops.

Note: at this time it is hotly debated and not at all generally accepted whether or not Triceratopos had quills.


I don’t trust the NYT buying Wordle, because they shelled out a lot of money for it. They must have some plans on monetizing it. Whether it be “paywalled,” crammed with ads, or use “Sponsored” words (por que no los tres?) they’re going to find a way to wring cash out of it. They might even plan on increasing its popularity and flip it to another sucker for twice the price.

Apparently, based on the headlines I’ve seen, you are not the only person concerned about this. It does seem almost required for a corporation that buys a fun online game to ruin it, so we’ll see how that goes.


Me: *is 45 minutes late to the Queue*
Everyone: *flood the comments section so as to give me no chance of catching up*

Yeah, it can be challenging. It’d be nice if there were more questions, but we do what we can with what we have.


Q4tQ: How do you think the quest design team determines the quantity of an item you need to collect for a quest? I’ve been doing dailies in Korthia for months and it feels like every quest has a varying amount of things to collect, even if they’re otherwise identical (i.e., “Pick up this glowing ball/piece of mail/whatever.”).

I’m sure they do actually vary it because, as a friend of mine who worked on the quest team once said, if every quest is the same people get bored. But I have no idea if they have a formula they use or if they just go by what seems right for the quest.


Q4tQ: What do you think of the inclusiveness of the new (or newish) character appearance options?

I’ve just created a blood elf DH and decided she should be black. Now the skin colour is of course available – several shades of brown-to-almost-all-black, which is nice. But the faces are all still “caucasian” (relatively narrow lips and pencil-thin noses) and there are ZERO options of curly hair, not even the type of curls us whities might be born with too. Uff.
I applaud Blizzard for adding options, but more would be nice. And don’t even get me started on different body types…

What d’ya think?

Always more.

Every race should have more facial options. Every race should have more skin tone variants. More hairstyles, more scars, more everything. More. Give us more and more and more forever.

Every expansion should feature more options as a selling point. Every time a new race is introduced, the older races should get more options. I am not kidding. I know it would be a ton of work, so I don’t expect it to happen, but I am wholly in favor of it.

I mean, I only had to say I wanted Cross-Faction play for sixteen years, so I figure that I’ll enjoy the new faces and hairstyles sometime in 2034.

Okay, that’s the Queue. Sorry I was a bit down this week — constant exhaustion and fear for someone you love will do that to you. Hope your week is going better than mine.

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Filed Under: I Miss Sleep

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