The Queue: Science Fiction, Double Liz

Welcome to the multiverse Queue. I’m your friendly neighborhood SpideyLiz from Earth dimension C-137. It’s my first time writing this column, so to answer your burning question: Yes, I’m deliberately mixing fandoms for fun, I dare you to name them all before we get to the end. Cool, that was it, right?
Whoops, guess not. Know what’s not fun? Xenomorphs taking over our editors (you’re awesome Mitch, thank you for letting me try my hand). Let’s answer some questions, Mua’dib.
I was looking at the Kickstarter page for Mina the Hollower, and they had 3 pledge tiers where you got to work with the devs to help create certain aspects of the game, like a mini-boss, side quest, trinket, or trash mob.
Q4tQ: If you were given an opportunity to add something similar to WoW, what would you like to add to the game?
This is a unique phenomenon to crowdfunded games, and I am tentatively here for it; it sounds like the team behind Mina the Hollower framed this out well, focusing on a smaller scope such as a mini-boss. The closest we come in WoW is “tribute” additions in Blizzard’s games as Activision Blizzard is a prominent developer outside of the crowdfunding sphere. So, you’re getting a two-parter answer!
First, coming from the “I donated at a level to add something to this game,” I would probably make some trinket pithily named for my main. For example, Cae’s Chimerical Charm has a nice ring to it (and yes, I love alliteration, don’t you?). It would have one of the libram relic icons and grant a random buff or debuff in line with the original Blood Elf / Blood Knight internal conflict. Things like “The light blesses you with 5% increased stamina” and “Blood coats your soul, reducing your healing by 35%.”
If I’m coming at this from a tribute angle, I’d 100% want it to be something semi-rare and beautiful. Picture it: a rare, beautiful flower called Phoenix’s Gaze popping up in random beloved locations. It is pickable by herb-gatherers, who give the blooms to a crafter to create a cosmetic back transmog of translucent wings. Yes, this is a tribute to Blizzard Watch. You do know it’s our anniversary, right?
Q4tQ: Are the Legion Assaults still worth doing when leveling?
Legion assaults were a fantastic way of gathering extra resources and quest rewards during the expansion, and the same is probably still valid for the current leveling experience. In addition, the armor tokens could be handy for gearing up your alt, although I didn’t find gearing to be a particular struggle until late into the Legion experience. According to Blizzard Support, the invasions will open once you hit level 39 (as long as you’ve already completed the quest Uniting the Isles on your main). Having another source of XP doesn’t hurt anything!
Another question for the queue or BW: what if WoW got rid of all of its currencies and just used gold as the currency for everything. Could that work?
I love this idea under Very Specific Conditions: namely, for past expansions. Hear me out.
We have too many currencies. No question. I look at my Currency tab for my main, and my soul dies a little. My love for Shadowlands died a slow death, buried in a mountain of currencies. Medallions of Service to enter Bastion’s Path of Ascension, which I had to unlock using anima. Stygia, Soul Ash, and Sinstone Fragments. Freed Souls and Cataloged Research. Infused rubies, with their cap of 100 at a time.
Now, imagine facing that down in a few years, newly joining this gigantic MMO. That’s the experience everyone inevitably has because Shadowlands is expansion number eight. It’s just too much.
Make items from past expansions purchasable with gold. Set them as Bind on Pickup or Bind on Account to mitigate auction house inflation. Disassociate them from achievements if it’s that important. But stop gatekeeping fun, non-essential rewards like toys, pets, or mounts behind things like Champion’s Seals. Everyone deserves their Argent Warhorse. Mine does become not less special because I got it with Champion’s Seals during Wrath of the Lich King.
How much wood could Malfurion chuck if he shifted into a Woodchuck?
Can a woodchuck properly chuck wood while it’s busy calling for Tyrande because he needs her?
That said, woodchucks chuck dirt and not wood! Per the North Dakota Game and Fish Department, they can move something like 35 cubic feet of soil on a productive day. I’m now picturing a woodchuck doing a caber toss of an entire hecking tree. Meanwhile, I’m happy if I can lift a box of books.
Dig on, Malfurichuck.
Q4tQ, inspired by Jaxdaddy the other day: Share your favourite moon screenshot(s)?
Taken just for this question! In general, the Temple of Elune in Val’sharah is one of my favorite spots because it’s beautiful and melancholy and so tied to the story.
And that’s the queue for today! Leave the proper Liz some questions for tomorrow’s Queue, and have a delightful Thursday.
(Rocky Horror Picture Show, Marvel Cinematic Universe/Into the Spiderverse, Rick and Morty, Alien, Dune. Thanks for playing!)
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