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The QueueFeb 22, 2022 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Nine Point TwoTwoTwosday

Sometimes you can only read a word so many times before it just looks like nonsense. The word “two” meets that bar almost immediately, making everything so much more unhinged today.

This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we supply the answers.


Q4tQ Are you changing your Covenant upon the arrival of 9.2?

I totally understand why people might change Covenants right now. The “extra” Legendary is pretty crucial for people who do nearly any group activity, I’d wager. However, I’m Night Bae for life.

I’m pretty comfortable with my aesthetics over all mentality at this point. I’d rather be pretty than effective. And that said, I feel like I should qualify that I’m only talking about gaming here.


Also, Q4tpeoplewhoknowthings: Does Zereth Mortis have a breadcrumb quest to take you there? Surely it does, right?

It does!

I don’t fully remember if it populates when you hit a certain zone (Oribos?) but you’ll get a little guide quest, which I believe leads you first to one of the group near Bolvar, and then takes you to Zereth Mortis pretty quickly.


What will you do on the night before Patchmas? Assuming you’re playing WoW, that is.

I ended up watching the last three episodes of Vox Machina, and then my husband bullied me into joining him on a fresh Valheim server, because of course he decided to roll up a fresh Valheim server the day before 9.2.

Anybody want to guess how long it’s going to be before he gets heavily invested and laps me, despite insisting we start with completely new, fresh characters? Hint: I’m 90% sure he’s playing it while I’m typing The Queue.


Q4t computer savvy Queuevians:
I need a new laptop for travelling, and I’d like one I can play WoW on. Not on top settings, honestly I’d be happy if it has a graphic card rather than integrated graphics. But even the simpler laptops cost 1k EUR upwards, and I’m told it’s due to global shortages, caused by the pandemic.

Are there any estimates as to when we can expect prices to normalise again? Six months, a year? Longer? I simply don’t have that kind of cash at the moment, so for now I’ll do business stuff on my MacBook and play WoW when I get back home. But it would be nice to at least do things like WQs and mining when I’m away.

In terms of when prices will get better, never. This is normal now.

At this point even if the supply is back to normal — and in many places and instances, it actually is — the companies who sell these products know what we’re willing to pay for them, so that’s just the price now. It helps a lot to have tools like price trackers, so you can nab stuff at discounts, and if you have some local-ish friends who can keep an eye out at electronics stores, that can help a lot too.

But, unfortunately, at this point if you’re looking to upgrade in the next few years, you have to start saving.

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