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Cute! > Off TopicFeb 25, 2022 2:00 pm CT

Get your barrels and bananas, because this week’s cute post is all monkey business

I may be the big cheese at Cuteness HQ, but I love getting suggestions for what to cover in these round-ups. So when Cory said, “Hey Anna, have you thought about monkeys for a cute post?” my reaction was, “No I haven’t, and why the heck not?” Because monkeys are really flipping cute! But don’t take my and Cory’s word for it. This collection of playful primates should have you thoroughly convinced in no time.

Have a great weekend!

So much tiny cuteness

Seriously, SO MUCH. I didn’t think there could be so much tiny cuteness packed into three minutes.


I especially enjoy that the little monkey puts the eaten strawberry tops back in the container. Not only adorable, but conscientious!

Chill, yet not chill

The great cuteness contradiction of the snow monkeys in hot springs.

And then, on the other hand…

…a monkey with the polar opposite reaction to water. You can practically see this little one thinking: “I dunno, looks pretty sus to me.”

Hanging out with the fam

I confess, I am super envious of the whole tree-climbing expertise monkeys have. It looks so peaceful and relaxing up in the branches.

Just monkeying around

Come on, you know the pun had to be made, and doggone it, I have no regrets.

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Filed Under: All The Cuteness, Cute

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