The Queue: Kirb-eve

It’s been a long time since I’ve looked forward to a Kirby game this much. The (apparently) first fully 3D Kirby adventure hits the Switch tomorrow, AKA tonight at midnight, and even though I have a lot of Elden Ring left to go, I’m still more than happy to take a small break for the pink puffball. And hey, apparently it’s a pretty easy title that actually ends, so it’s kind of the breath of fresh air I need in my games right now.
Anyhow, that’s tonight. It’s right now, and right now is The Queue.
Q4tQ: What if a raid was filled with neutral trash mobs? Then you could have a place that felt lived in, without having the pacing issues of too much trash between bosses. Also that would give raiders the option if they really wanted to clear trash for a chance at those BoE Epics. Crazy idea, or crazy smart idea?
I always do appreciate a raid that feels alive. I think you’d either have to make the trash un-hittable or incredibly weak, though, because any time you fill a raid with trash, someone is inevitably going to accidentally pull it. Sure, toss in a few actually-difficult packs for some optional BOE content to grind, but make most of the “world-building” NPCs incidental to whatever else is happening in the raid.
Q4TQ: What is the meaning of Season 4, distraction for a delayed expansion or a reimagining of what content in WoW can look like? I think it’s more that latter. WoW needs to reimagine content to keep up with the market which mostly consists of smaller more frequent updates.
I think maybe it’s a bit of both, but more so the latter. Blizz has a history of experimenting more in the final patch of an expansion — LFR’s introduction, Flex raiding in Siege of Orgrimmar, etc. — so this sort of change is in line with what I’ve come to expect out of them in a final patch.
That said, I’d also totally believe you if you told me at least one of these things had been planned for the expansion but was moved up the production pipeline to account for a “delayed*” expansion. Either way, it’s really cool to see this sort of content coming to WoW!
*Internally delayed — I’m not a fan of saying something’s been delayed when it hasn’t even been announced yet.
Q4Mitch: Why do you always play Kenku characters?
Because they remind me of Arakkoa, and I love Arakkoa!
No, really, that’s at least why I first played a Kenku in the Riatan campaign. I didn’t actually know they couldn’t talk, which made the Bard choice all the more interesting. (Apparently they can talk now, as of… some sort of update to the rules.)
As for the Kenku guest role in the Witchlight campaign? That was all Liz’s idea! And it was primarily because of the fun connection to the first campaign.
Will I play a Kenku on another BW campaign? Guess we’ll have to wait and see!
Q4tQ: Why?
This question and the answer to it completely change depending on the sort of mindset one is in. Just bored and looking to ask something? Then the answer is, of course, “Because!”
Feeling alone? Then the answer is more along the lines of, “Because everyone feels alone, but there’s value in finding joy in being your own best friend.”
Feeling down or doubtful? “Because you wouldn’t be where you are if you really didn’t deserve it or have the skill. And because, barring maybe That One Guy™, you’re likely the one who looks upon yourself with the most judgment.”
Obviously, those are simple 1-to-2-sentence answers to a question that can range in complexity, but you get the idea.
Q4tQ: How?
With devotion to the Old Gods. This one was easy.
I got you one better Q4tQ: When?
…All the time! 😄🦑
Q4Mitch: during Zereth Mortis questing a few weeks ago, you could interact with Sylvanas, and if you kept clicking on her, one of the lines she’d say was “I found you before, my love. I will find you again. No matter how long it takes.”
How do you think this interaction between Sylvanas and Nathanos would play out? She’s obviously a very different person now, while Nathanos isn’t. Assuming Nathanos’ soul is somewhere to be found in the Maw and they meet again, do you think it’s possible that they can still find common ground?
I think it’s important to remember that Sylvanas didn’t become “The Good Sylvanas” when she got part of her soul back. She became a more complete version of herself. So the person that she was — the one Nathanos has known all this time — is still there. I mean, clearly, since both versions of Sylvanas have expressed love toward Nathanos.
So I do think they can find common ground. Heck, Nathanos is, uh, how to put this nicely… he’s a total puppy dog. Sure, he’s got sass. But his loyalties lie with Sylvanas. I think it might take some time and there would be disagreements. But I think those two kids might just make it work, dangit.
Or they would, if Nathanos weren’t seemingly trapped in Super Hell.
Can we get more cat pics?
I’ll be honest, I was thinking about this question when I tweeted this out last night:
I’ve never seen a cat that twitches so much when it sleeps — somehow he even managed to twitch his way to a sleepy blep.
— Mitch 💙 (@MitchFizzl) March 23, 2022
So, yes, more cat pics will definitely be on the way. I definitely have to restrain myself a bit (my phone is FULL of pics), but it’s hard not to sometimes.
When are you going to come back to WoW?
Unfortunately, I don’t know. I would like to come back to WoW, just because it scratches a certain itch and I just plain miss it… but I’m also enjoying a lot of other games right now, and they require less brainpower.
More than that, though, I don’t really have a consistent schedule right now. It was easier to play WoW when I knew for sure I had X amount of time in the evening, but that hasn’t been the case as much lately. To be frank, it’s part of a larger issue of me not having the routine/schedule I want right now. Once I nail that down a bit more, it’ll be easier to slot WoW in.
That’s all for today! I hope you enjoyed this Queue and that you’ll leave lots of queuestions for tomorrow’s writer. For those of you about to play Kirby, remember: It’s okay to abbreviate it to KFL. Saying the full name over and over would be…
( •_•)>⌐■-■
…a mouthful.
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