The Queue: I blossom in the moonlight

That right there is the official Dragonflight login screen, newly revealed with the latest alpha build. I really like it! Granted, I’d still love to see rotating login screens because I get bored easily, but I know that’s not exactly WoW’s typical (M)MO.
Anyhow, enough about login screens. It’s Queue time.
Q4tQ: Interesting. I wonder if this means they’re trying to keep the DF big baddie a secret?
Okay I lied earlier when I said we were done talking about this. That said, I don’t think it’s to keep the Big Bad a secret; Ion confirmed recently that we’ll know pretty clearly who the main enemy is by the end of 10.0. But also, I think having the Big Bad on the login screen isn’t always the best approach anyhow.
Dragonflight is a high-fantasy setting in a place only recently revealed to the world. For that latter bit, it’s very much like Pandaria — and that login screen was also notably a shining, golden look at the major gates we’d be passing through on our way through the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. I think this screen is more akin to that one. A new land with our path laid out before us in light, but also one with shadows and unknown not far away.
I have been meaning to ask this pretty much since Shadowlands was released. Do you think it is as interesting as I do that one of the prominent sights in the Maw is cages floating upwards on chains?
… just like the Room of Upside-Down Sinners?
Oh, trust me, this is something I thought of as soon as I entered Torghast for the first time way back when it was still being tested. That said, I don’t actually think it has lore significance — if anything, my guess is that the Room of Upside-Down Sinners inspired the look a bit here.
Ok I got another question. What happened to the experience buff? I thought I remember seeing it was coming back with the reset? I know its 3 months until the leak claims DF is coming out but as a weekend warrior, weekends is really the only chance I get to play for a couple of hours at best. It may take me until late October to get my new alt to level.
Unfortunately — and much to the disappointment of a lot of the community — the buff was only ever intended to be kept until Season 4 started, and Blizz has been adamant that it stay that way. I don’t really see the logic behind it, and I disagree that removing it will allow people to focus on Season 4 content. If you were going to level alts before, you’ll probably still do that in Season 4… why not keep the boost and make more players and playstyles happy?
It’s a poor choice and I hope Blizz brings the buff back until DF’s pre-patch at least.
I found out today that not only is my neighbour giving our cat unhealthy treats (he only gets them from us in a Mary Poppins way to make giving him pills easier), but she bought him a cooling mat. If she’s asked first I would have told her not to bother! If it is designed for cats he won’t want anything to do with it!
QftQ – is buying stuff for someone else’s pet just a bit weird?
It sounds like you have an outdoor cat then? I guess it all depends on how much your neighbor knows it’s your cat. But, like, if the cat’s coming around often enough to their place, I don’t know if I find it that weird.
Really, it’s all super situational, and I don’t know the full situation well enough to really comment definitively. I’m going to assume good intentions and just say that your neighbor was trying to be nice to a little fur friend that visits every now and then.
I just had an idea for a fourth paladin spec. Ranged, but with a Lightspawn instead of a Voidwalker. We could call them Butterscotches instead of Blueberries, and it would be very cool.
Yes, or no?
Until Shadow gets split off into its own class or Priests get a second Shadow spec, no one else is allowed to get a fourth spec. It has been decreed.
Q4tQ Which racial leader will be the next raid boss? So far we’ve had Anduin, Sylvanas, Jaina, Garrosh, and Mekkatorque as raid bosses.
Q4tQ Speaking of racial leaders, who is the official leader of the Void Elves? Is it Alleria or is it that dude we met up with in Silvermoon?
Funny enough, I can answer both of those with a succinct answer: Turalyon and Alleria.
With Turaylon finally on the golden throne and it having been a minute since Alleria really did anything, it feels like it might be time to bring that particular duo back. Regarding Alleria leading, Magister Umbric (great name) defers to Alleria, even if he’s a bit of a second in command.
That’s today Queue! I’ll see you all when I see you — please be sure to leave lots of questions! Hopefully ones you gain enjoyment from seeing answered.
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