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HearthstoneAug 23, 2022 1:30 pm CT

Hearthstone Battlegrounds is getting in-game Quests, along with new heroes and minions

Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 2 is about to begin, and it’s adding a brand-new gameplay system with it, in the form of Quests.

Quests will be a limited-time in-game event, much like Buddies and Darkmoon Prizes. On each game while the event is running, a selection of three Quests — each paired with a Reward — will be offered to each player on turn four, and they’ll get to pick one. Should they succeed in completing the Quest, they’ll earn that powerful Reward to boost them for the rest of the game!

There will be multiple different quests, and about 24 different Rewards. Every time they’re offered to you, the three pairs of Quest and Reward are randomized — which means that on two different games you might find the same Quest with two different Rewards, for instance. Given the sheer amount of combinations that will be possible, that should keep things fresh. But Certain Quests and Rewards will be restricted to specific Heroes or lobbies, for balance reasons.

You’ll also be able to hover over your hero to check your progress in the Quest at any point, and even check which Quests your opponents have picked. You can read more about them at the official blog.

Two new heroes and eleven new minions join the fray

Detective Extraordinaire Murloc Holmes and Murder Victim Sire Denathrius are expected to join Hearthstone Battlegrounds as two new playable heroes. And they don’t come alone: eleven new minions are will join the game mode with them, along with, “several updates to heroes, minions, and the overall minion pool.”

Only a couple of those minion shave been revealed so far, and they’re both composition-agnostic.

  • Rendle the Mistermind is a Tier 4 minion with 4/5 stats that steals the highest Tier minion from Bob’s Tavern at the end of every turn. That seems like a powerful effect, especially if it arrives earlier in the game, when players are still trying to battle against the economy in addition to each other.
  • Tea Master Theotar is a new Tier 6 minion with 6/6 stats that seems aimed at buffing minions that have no minion type. Is he heralding the return of the glorious Tirion days of tribeless compositions, perhaps?

We expect more content, especially related to Quests, to arrive over the next couple days. But we won’t even have to wait too long to play with all of this: Season 2 will arrive August 30.

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