Hearthstone Battlegrounds
How to win at the current “vanilla” but fast-paced Hearthstone Battlegrounds meta
The current Hearthstone Battlegrounds metagame — that is, which minions and heroes people are picking to win at the moment — is fast and furious, since this season doesn't have any extra features (such as Quests, Trinkets, or Buddies) to work as catch-up mechanics.
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 9 starts on December 3, removing Trinkets, adding Hero Rerolls, and more — now live!
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 9 is now live! Hearthstone patch 31.2 launched with Season 9: Enter the Technotavern, and as expected, the new season also removed Trinkets from the game.
How to play with the three new heroes in Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 9
With the release of Season 9, Hearthstone Battlegrounds is adding three new heroes to the game: Farseer Nobundo with his spell-copying powers, Zerek, Master Cloner with the ability to create an exact copy of a friendly minion, and Exarch Othaar with his discounted spells.
When does Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 10 start?
We don't have an official release date for Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 10 yet, but based on the release dates for previous seasons, our educated guess is that Season 10 will start on April 2025.
How could Draenei work as a minion type in Hearthstone Battlegrounds?
Draenei are coming to Hearthstone Battlegrounds at some point, that's a given after they were added as a new minion type in The Great Dark Beyond.
How to play Leapfrogger in Hearthstone Battlegrounds
Leapfrogger is back in the Hearthstone Battlegrounds!
The new hero skins available in the Hearthstone Battlegrounds season 8 season pass, ranked by plausibility
Every new season of Hearthstone Battlegrounds brings us a ton of new hero skins, and the beach-themed season 8 is no exception -- but as much as we applaud the imagination, some of these skins are a little bit unbelievable.
All the Lesser and Greater Trinkets coming in Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 8
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 8, Trinkets & Travels, is almost upon us, bringing a brand-new mechanic called Trinkets.
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 8, Trinkets & Travels, adds new “Trinkets” mechanic to the game
The newly-announced Season 8 for Hearthstone Battlegrounds, Trinkets & Travels, will introduce a new mechanic to the mix: Trinkets are new passive power-ups that you buy with gold, and are yours for the rest of the game — much like Quest Rewards.
Buddies are being reintroduced to Hearthstone Battlegrounds alongside a minion roster shakeup
Hearthstone patch 29.6 will reintroduce Buddies to the Battlegrounds, and the heroes who still didn't have their buddies will get them this time.