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Discussion > WoWOct 20, 2022 8:00 am CT

What makes you choose to change mains between expansions?

It’s not a secret that I felt pretty disconnected from my main in Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands. Playing a Night Elf felt pretty crummy, at least to me, with the whole storyline hinging around the deaths of thousands of my character’s people — including all the vendors and innkeepers and auctioneers and bankers and other NPCs I saw on a fairly frequent basis. Teldrassil was more than a giant tree; it was home to a lot of Night Elves, and I enjoyed having it as my base of operations, the city I did my crafting and auctions and banking from between raids and dungeons and World Quests.

I feel like Dragonflight is a decent reset button for World of Warcraft with the three-year gap between the end of Shadowlands and the start of the next expansion, but I still don’t think I’m going to play the Nelf anymore. For starters, I’m interested in picking up Horde-side with a Tauren, and while I’ll likely remain Alliance, I have a host of other characters I could play on that side instead of the Nelf. The last time I felt this determined to switch was just before Legion, when I let my Draenei retire to his garrison on AU Draenor.

…Oops. Sorry I left you to get blown up, buddy.

Anyway, that’s my thinking — playing the Night Elf feels like a bit of a bummer and so I considering several options from Dwarf to Lightforged Draenei to even Human (eww) alongside my Tauren for Horde play. I’m fairly stoked to switch. But the question is, have y’all ever switch mains for a new expansion? Was it to play a class you hadn’t, or try out a new race, or simply because you were bored? Why would you switch mains between expansions?

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