The Queue: Oh no it’s Thursday

So yeah, I was sitting here thinking man, it feels like I’m forgetting something and then it dawned on me that what I was missing was that I was supposed to write the Queue. Heh.
Anyway, here we are, I’m panicking, here’s a Queue.
Honestly, I’m really finding Valdrakken to be a very inhabited city, full of people and places to go, lots of quests to pick up, and of course architecture that feels designed for dragons. It’s probably my #2, and my #1 is almost certainly Shattrath City from The Burning Crusade, which feels not like a living city at all, but does a great job at feeling like a refugee choked ruin of a once great city.
I was thinking to myself about the Primalists and why they are doing what they are doing because if they don’t realize this, they will be subjugated just as much as any other if the Primals got their way. But then I remember there were cults following Old Gods and… yeah. Although, they had the excuse of Old Gods being all mind-altering and the like.
I think it’s always the case that people can be swayed to ends that would seem manifestly self-destructive — just look at any modern cult or your average Fox News viewer. But the Primalists have the advantage of having the Titans for ideological enemies — not only are they not here anymore, but even when they were, they didn’t tend to do things like explain themselves or take others welfare into account. Heck, if Algalon had gotten his way, everyone on Azeroth would be dead right now. It’s not hard to look good when you have entities that easy to make look bad for opponents.
I finally broke down and bought an Elemental Lariat. Was costly but worth it. I do really like the work order crafting system for things like this.
I just wanted to take this moment to say I’m available to make your various Blacksmithing drops on Echo Isles US.
Also, yeah, I’ve bought a few rings and suchlike via work order. I like that part of the system, I just think crafting needs a few tweaks. It’s certainly the most engaged I’ve been with it in years.
I’m okay with elemental invasions. They’re tough but that’s the point. Jump in with a group and roll across them like loot-hungry locusts.
The new one, though? Man, screw that. The chill mechanic is just obnoxious. Having a non-stop stacking debuff that’ll end up doing 5-digit damage to you every second unless you hang around a static fire or spend 50g to have a consumable that only lasts 2 minutes to build up quickly-removed countering stacks is not fun gameplay. Especially not when the final objective boss takes 15 minutes to kill.
I had a similar feeling but I’ve run it a few times since, and I think the frost boss is the worst one — the Earth boss didn’t take nearly as long. Ultimately, I don’t hate Storm’s Fury, but I feel like the whole Freezing mechanic is a bit annoying and having to buy a couple of stacks of what are essentially magical space heaters so that I don’t die is annoying.
After a day of running it on two characters, I think I feel more positively towards it than you do. But yeah, the frost boss needs a health nerf. He lasts forever. My hands got cramps I was hitting buttons for so long.
Q4tQ: what was the first white/grey item you added to your transmog collection?
Mine was just a pair of cloth shoulders. Nothing fancy, but it made me curious.
The Barkplate Vest. Why? Why not, I like it.
Yay, normal Raszageth done, finally!
Also the only time I was there for progression.
Grats, my guild is 7/8 Normal and is hitting up Heroic instead of pulling Raz, it’s a heck of a fight and I’m super happy for you that you killed her. It’s a very complex fight and I find it a bit daunting.
And yes, it was a coincidence, unless maybe it wasn’t and they have to bring you for all their progression from now on. Can’t risk it.
Okay, I hope you enjoyed, or at least can forgive, this Speed Run version of the Queue today. If I manage to get it out on time, that is.
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