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The QueueApr 14, 2023 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Friday again?

Really, I don’t know how this keeps happening. I joke that time is an illusion, but I at least wish it could be a consistent illusion — I’m positive it was Monday just yesterday, and now it’s Friday! How’s anybody supposed to keep track when time twists around however it wants? Hmph.

But since it is, seemingly, Friday, let’s get to the Queue.


Is there actually a reason to run all the TW weekly quests? I’m not all the interested unless there’s a goodie at the end. If it’s just to get more badges then, meh.

Gear, certainly. The rewards for this Timewalking event are better than usual: completing the five dungeons will reward you with Heroic-level Vault of the Incarnates gear, when Timewalking usually rewards Normal-level gear. That means ilevel 402 – 411, which is pretty dang good unless you’re running Mythic raids.

And Timewalking dungeons are easy to zoom through. I’d say it’s well worth the time.


Are people just done with Forbidden Reach? It’s 19:30 but there’s no one around to kill rares, it might as well be 4am.

It has certainly slowed down. I spent a half hour sitting in front of a rare this evening, and accidentally pulled it twice wandering the area, without anyone showing up.

It’s been extremely easy to collect Primordial Stones and Dormant Primordial Fragments to upgrade your ring. And catchup gear drops like candy. I suspect that because it’s so easy to earn everything you need on the Forbidden Reach, and so you don’t need to go back. And with a date for patch 10.1, it seems like people may be taking a break — or at least take a break from this grindy little exercise in gear collection.

I myself am still enjoying exploring the Zskera Vaults, but rare farming does seem a little harder for now.


Q4tQ: is there any way to farm a particular one of the armor drops from Forbidden Reach? I’ve been checking to see if I’ve gathered enough for full sets, and my rogue is currently without pants. Please help.

I’m afraid not. Initially I thought that drops favored your own armor type, but now I’m not so sure because over time I’ve been picking up armor of all types, including five pairs of mail pants that I don’t have a single character to use.

But they do drop pretty quickly. Do some quests, kill some rares, open some treasures… you’ll get plenty. You just have to keep at it until you find what you’re looking for.


Q4tQ: Should Flight Points use mounts you’ve selected as your favourite?

Well, sometimes they do. Dalaran consistently picks amongst your favorite mounts.

But sometimes it does make more sense to stick to a theme. It would be weird to take off from those Tuskarr or Pandarian kite launching gadgets and suddenly be riding a cat in the air. (Also I like those Tuskarr kites.)

So… yes. But also no. Variety is the spice of life. We can mix things up.


Q4tQ – Blizzard like building genre defining games – what’s a genre they don’t already have a game in that you’d like to see them tackle?

Let’s have a Blizzard dating sim. They’ve already jokingly made an Overwatch dating sim, but this doesn’t have to be a joke. And, really, who wouldn’t want to date a handsome wizard?

And maybe it sounds like I’m making a joke, but really. Visual novels can do a lot of storytelling, and offer different ways to interact with characters — not necessarily just dating them, but having conversations with them, digging into interesting, smaller stories. Dating sims can be great at telling personal stories about characters, and providing an engaging interactive narrative.

I mean, just give the genre-jumping Hatoful Boyfriend a try. This is a format where you can do interesting things and surprise people. Why not jump in?

I’m waiting for Mask of the Rose myself, which unfortunately releases very shortly after Diablo 4 and which I will actually be making time to play even though I am really looking forward to Diablo 4. But there’s room in my life for killing demons and dating handsome wizards. Probably.

P.s., Cory, you should also answer this question.

That’s all for today folks. I hope you have a good afternoon and a pleasant weekend. Take care of yourselves and I’ll see you next week.

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