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The QueueJun 22, 2023 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Other games exist

I am ludicrously excited for Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, and not just because Idris Elba is playing a character in it. It’s a complete revamp of the entire game — highly expanded vehicle combat, more varied interactions with the Police (in other words, you can get them mad at you) and a revamped cyberwear system that allows for Cyberpsychosis if your V indulges too much in extreme cyber-modification.  Clothes are now just clothes, with  no armor or stats, which means you can wear anything you want without worrying that it doesn’t give the proper stats.

I’ve been in love with Cyberpunk 2077 ever since Joe Perez convinced me I should give it a shot, so this is all very exciting to me. Anyway, at least I’m still capable of thinking about games other than — well, you know. It’s the Queue, let’s chat about stuff.


Anyone else have trouble keeping their mount at full speed in D4? I try to keep my mouse as far away from the center as possible, but if I’m moving directly up or down the game frequently will suddenly think the mouse is back in the center of the screen and the horse slows down to barely a trot.

I have not noticed this but I’m using a console controller even when I play on PC, because frankly it provides the superior play experience in my opinion. I really enjoy not having incipient carpal tunnel forming, too. I highly recommend playing D4 with a controller. I’m using a cheapo Logitech and it works great.

I went and checked the forums and so far, the mount with a mouse controller does not seem to be a hit with the folks there.


Good morning Queue,
I need suggestions for good off-hand frill looks for a pirate themed transmog.

Can’t neglect the classics, although it’s wildly variant depending upon your character’s body type.


Whisper croissant to me

Uh, is this a kink thing? I want to be supportive but I don’t want to whisper things without knowing if I’m engaging in behavior that would make me uncomfortable.


good morning and happy FF16 release day!
*checks order status*
which I’m apparently not getting until next Wednesday

See? Other games exist, like I said in the title.


I hope they never made a Xenoblade Warriors game cuz I don’t wanna have to 100% one of those

I’m personally still waiting for the remaster of this bad boy, and I suspect I will be waiting forever. But I am grateful that the Xenoblade games exist just to keep the series from fading into obscurity.


Gotta hate inventory dilemmas in RPGs, probably my least favorite thing about them.

I thought I’d be able to vendor some stuff with a merchant right outside the first ‘dungeon’ in Pathfinder WotR, but apparently I couldn’t even get back outside. Are these guys just blocking the door or what, hoping I’d die in there? XD

I decided just to drop some stuff that wouldn’t have sold for a lot anyway, but it’s still mildly annoying.

Do you mean the one underground that you have to use to get back to the surface after the game’s opening? Yeah, once you go in there you can’t come back out, it’s kind of silly. I tended to be really selective of what I picked up, because wow, that game does not joke around when it comes to you can’t carry any more and it’s frustrating.

It gets better after you’re back on the surface, there’s even a merchant outside and inside the headquarters for the good guys in Act 1, and once you’re out in the world your home base is loaded up with them.

I ended up loving P:WotR, but I agree that inventory management is never my favorite part.

Okay, that’s the Queue for today. Be kind to Liz and ask her a lot of questions so she can have an easy time writing the Queue. There’s a new Hearthstone game mode coming, ask her about that.

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