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The QueueJul 11, 2023 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Gotta get down on Prime Day

And here Cory needs a whole column and a link to try to earworm the Queue.

This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we regret nothing.


Good morning all, and happy Prime day if you are shopping today. If you prefer buying physical games over digital, it looks like Mario Kart 8 and Mario Odyssey are both down to $30, while Octopath 2 is $40. Meanwhile, my hunt for a new TV starts now…

Thanks for the reminder!

While I generally don’t enjoy corporatized holidays like Mother’s Day and Easter, I will frequently stop buying anything in mid-spring except for time-sensitive stuff, and just stick everything in my cart to cross-check against CamelCamelCamel on Prime Day. Everything from school supplies to guitar picks to a slipcover for the couch to the car leather detailing spray I really like just waits for today. Unfortunately, almost all those things aren’t on sale today, apparently. Welp.

I’ll also remind you that most of your local content creators — including us! — will have an Amazon affiliate link or URL. Usually, a small percentage of the first purchase you make in the next 24 hours after clicking it will go toward that creator, even if you navigate away from the page. So, maybe consider doing that, if you happen to be celebrating.


Tomorrow, every race can be a warlock. What do you think is the next race/class announcement?

Honestly, beyond the technical limitations of the Evoker, I think we’re about an expansion and a half away from Blizzard just throwing up their hands and letting all the characters be all the classes. For me, the narrative tipping point was Mechagnome Hunters. While there’s certainly something to be said for them in Marksman spec, Survival as a Mechagnome is very different from surviving as all other classes, and communing with nature enough to bond to a Beast is just completely bizarre.

I do expect that, however they add new classes, Druids will be last simply due to the art assets.


Six-month subscription fish mount… What do you think?

A. It’s just a cool mount, not a hint for upcoming content.
B. It’s a hint for jinyu / Mists of Pandaria content.
C. It’s a hint for underwater / Azshara / naga content.
D. It’s a hint for some other third thing (explain what).

I don’t think any of them have been narrative-linked clues thus far, unless I’m missing something. They’ve had a few linked to the animal of the lunar new year, but beyond that they just seem generally cool. I do really enjoy the new weird little fishy guys, though.

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