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The QueueJul 13, 2023 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Save me from myself

Today’s music is “Save Me” by Damageplan, a band that should have had several more albums. With the death in 2018 of Vincent Paul Abbot and the murder of his brother Darryl Abbot in 2004, that will never happen. But I still loved that song, and I listen to it often to this day.

It’s the Queue, let us do what we do, me and all of you.


BlizzCon is returning, finally recovering from the cosmic event that was Matt and I simultaneously attending for our first time in 2019 and manifesting Diablo IV’s announcement. (Nothing else to explain the lack of BlizzCon in the intervening years.) The description of this year’s event is different? It almost sounds like more of an immersive experience? Maybe more events like the Diablo IV exhibit in 2019? What do you think BlizzCon will be like this year given what information we have? Wild speculation please!

I am probably not the person to even attempt to answer this question, but I’m going to just throw out the idea I’ve been having all week, and that’s a weird one — I think BlizzCon could be kind of like the Star Wars experience at Disneyland. Not as vast because that’s a permanent installation, but take a page from the Blizzard World map from Overwatch and put up more immersive experiences along those lines.

I mean, don’t stop doing panels, though. Those are awesome, keep doing those.


Augmentation is kinda fun, far less squishy than Devastation at least.
No idea how I’m doing DPS-wise, but I don’t really care because enemies are dying.

If I were to write an album that would be a song title. Maybe just the whole album title. I don’t care because enemies are dying, coming to brain download in 2032


Q4tQ (or anyone): I may be slow to pick up on things, but I’m seeing glowing arrows nailed to stuff in Valdrakken. There’s one in the whelp daycare, another near the leatherworking/skinning tent, another on top of the auction house, and a few others I’ve found. Any clue what they are, and if they actually point to anything interesting? I keep losing the trail after the one after the auction house one.

I have no idea about any of that but man I saw a Shardik reference and I had to put it in the Queue. Shardik is a trip of a book, y’all. Maia is also pretty cool.

As for the signs, my assumption is either for a quest coming in 10.1.7 or perhaps something we’ll find out about once the Secrets Discord folks get done ruminating on it.


I’ve heard some chatter lately that Dragonflight lacks a feeling of threat or urgency. I feel like I remember similar accusations towards Mists of Pandaria back in the day, but in the end a lot of what came after was reliant on Mists to set it up. What do you all think? Is Dragonflight lacking urgency? Will we look back at it the way we do Mists of Pandaria now?

I mean, I loved Mists, so if we look back on Dragonflight like we do Mists I’ll be raving about it to strangers on the bus who made the mistake of making eye contact with me.

Back in The Burning Crusade we didn’t fight Illidan until near to the end of the whole shebang. Wrath of the Lich King, I lost count of the amount of times people complained that we had too much of Arthas showing up and then leaving without us fighting him.

Basically, the down side of having played this game this long is that you see the same basic types of arguments issued forth again and again by people who believe they need a justification for why they’re not vibing with something. Once I realized I could stop and start up playing the game any time I wanted for any reason or no reason at all I was a lot happier, let me tell you.

Honestly I think Dragonflight keeps ramping up the threats being presented to our heroes. But I’m not here trying to tell people they’re wrong if they don’t feel something, it’s an entirely subjective opinion either way.


Aside from Anarchy Online, Star Trek Online, and maybe Destiny 2, why aren’t there more hi-tech MMO’s? How would you have like to have seen Titan (now Overwatch) play out in the MMO space?

Forget Titan, I want to see Respawn make a Titanfall MMO.

Imagine a series of classes that were about the kind of Titan you were bonded to, and you could respec by simply switching to a different Titan. And you could make a really interesting mechanic out of a Titan companion AI that serves essentially as a friend and ally during quests and storylines as well as having their AI core swapped into different Titan bodies to allow you to play a more ranged DPS, melee DPS, or support role in a specific mission.

And you could play around with the whole Pilot/Titan dynamic, like having specific missions where your Titan has to stay outside and provide support and intel because it can’t fit inside until you get to specific moments, like a climactic boss battle.

Both Titanfall games had a robust multiplayer mode, so this would just be the next evolution of that idea. I really think it would be great.


Currency bloat bad, but if they take anything from Time Rifts forward I hope it’s the “buy everything that can drop from a vendor” fallback system.

I’d have very fond memories of ZC if they simply made each rare, instead of dropping drake crest fragments, drop a zone currency that could be used to buy drake crest fragments or any collectable drop from any rare (except maybe Karokta’s mount). That’d make all the rares worth killing equally, like in Forbidden Reach, without giving them all the same loot table.

Just imagine me standing behind you nodding my head and saying “Yeah!” and “You go!” because I agree with this statement.


Q4tQ when it’s your turn: Is there a way to turn off the new lighting effects on the action bars? It keeps tricking my brain into thinking something’s proccing. I tried the Hide Button Glow add-on but it didn’t work.

I honestly had not even noticed it, but while I cannot answer you I’m sure someone in the comments can.

Okay, that’s the Queue for Thursday. Take care, stay safe and I’ll see you next week.

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