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The QueueAug 1, 2023 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Hair toss, check my nails

This is The Queue, where you ask us questions, and we’re having a pretty good day, so we’ll go ahead and answer.



Pop Quiz hotshot, you’re a priest and you can only save one dps with your leap of faith. Do you:
A) Save the underperforming Death Knight who makes you laugh
B) Save the tryhard Mage who’s a goober
C) Save no one because it’s funnier to let them die
D) life grip the tank

Save? The DPS? Oh honey, no. If I do that, they’ll never learn.


QftQ: We’ve seen Zul’Gurub, Scholomance and Naxxramas (might’ve forgot something else too) get some form of a refresh through using them as a way to get Items and Recipes, that were previously removed from WoW. Now Wailing Cavern is getting similar treatment.

What old, removed or outdated things would you like to see make a comeback into this kind of Evergreen form? Cuz I’m thinking, this need not be just for Vanilla Content, but it could also be used for all old Expansions, if they were to create new, but thematic Transmog, Mounts, Pets, Toys etc.

My deepest darkest wish for WoW has always been player housing, but such that I’d have to go to Black Temple or Sunwell to get those sheer Blood Elf aesthetic curtains, or go grind rep with the Golden Lotus for Mists of Pandaria-themed chairs.

In general, my hope for old content tends to align with features like those, where almost nothing is changed beyond some subtle additions to the loot table. While seeing how our efforts have changed these areas is kind of cool, I tend to prefer my older content sort of crystallized in amber, rather than further revamped later to make them re-relevant.


Q4TQ: What new cards/decks are you most looking forward to playing in TITANS? I definitely want to try out some Sif/Spell School Mage and new Control Warrior.

What’s a TITAN? Can I use Banana Slamma on it?


Q4TQ: let’s say you get a time machine that only works once a day, and only lets you go back ONE MINUTE in time. So that’s it. Once a day, you get to travel to one minute before. You get to relive that full 60 seconds with the knowledge of what will happen in them, at any moment of the day you choose.

What do you do with that?

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