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The QueueAug 24, 2023 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: When you start cackling like a madman you’re overtired

You know when you say something innocuous and then you start laughing your head off, and you just can’t stop, and the laughing gets louder and more shrill with every passing second until you sound like Cesar Romero and Jack Nicholson having a laugh off? Cause that’s me. The best part is that I’m wearing an eye patch (my right eye blew up this week) so I really am starting to look like a supervillain.

Anyway you puny mortals seriously how do these guys talk like that it’s so embarrassing but yeah this is the Queue. I was going to name it Taking Phantom Liberties or something but I’m way too tired for wordplay right now.


The absolute best way to eat corn is to mix it with mashed potatoes. I will brook no disagreement on this matter.

If you absolutely must eat it on the cob (I don’t like to because my teeth resemble the after picture on a Stages of Meth billboard), my friend swears by having a boiling pot right beside the corn patch. Pull it up, shuck it, toss it in the pot, you’re havin a good time.

I’m just steering into the skid and assuming that instead of much in the way of questions there’s gonna be a lot of discussions about corn and how to properly eat it.

For my money, the best way to eat corn is to Nixtamalize it and then make delicious tortilla chips out of it. By first soaking the corn in an alkaline solution, boiling it, washing and hulling and finally grinding it in this manner, the corn goes from a mostly inedible nutrient deficient mess into a tasty and detoxified foodstuff.

I also enjoy popping corn, but only certain varieties work as popcorn. Otherwise, honestly, I am not a fan of corn.


I think that’s a fair and reasonable take. DF’s story has certainly lost me a little bit.

But the community remaining so positive and engaged tells you a lot about why people play WoW versus other games – it ain’t the story. WoW delivers progression content with a quantity and quality that no other MMO can rival. Only FFXIV even comes close.

So as long as that core gameplay is good, the bulk of players are pretty dang happy.

The quality of the story (and even the quality of the storytelling) in Dragonflight seems to be a popular topic of discussion, with a lot of people saying it’s bad, or even just  not as good as they want.

The problem is, good and bad and even middling are subjective, and while we all have our opinions, they’re opinions. Often, even here in the Queue,  I see people presenting opinions as if they were universal truths. Saw it a lot in Shadowlands, and I’m seeing it a fair amount even in Dragonflight. 

You are fully entitled to dislike a story. I dislike many stories. You saying The story of Dragonflight has lost me is a perfect example of presenting opinion as an opinion, and it’s one I wish more people would make use of. Some things are not, and can never be, objective fact. And the quality or lack thereof in the storytelling in World of Warcraft is absolutely one of those things.

Another way to put this — Jalamenos talked about how Roger Clark won best performance at the VGAs in 2018. For him, that was clearly the best performance of any game that year. For me, it was a boring, mumbling, drawling slog that I couldn’t stand and straight up hated. But I’m aware that for a many people it was one of the best games of all time and Clark was brilliant in it, and I’m willing to cede that as the majority opinion.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets!

Actually, he didn’t ask me that, I just can’t get that scene out of my head.


Random-BG3-Stuff: I am amazed at just how much detail there is in this game. There are moments where I accidentally shift into Wolf Form and then have a very standoffish conversation with an enemy, and then I wandered into a camp and met a scarily eloquent Ogre. I’m currently in the middle of a potential cluster-cluck in the shape of me, being the ‘genius’ that I am, bluffed my way in and then accidentally aggro’d a small portion of said enemies.

I now have to save someone as well, which just makes things even more complex, and I’m only scratching the surface of this game so far! Holy cripes, it’s insane how detailed this game is. :D

I mean, if you played Divinity: Original Sin 2 you probably noticed that the complexity was one of Larian’s calling cards, so I’m not really surprised that BG3 upped the ante after three years in open access. I do think that a lot of other CRPG’s did similar things — I mean, both Wrath of the Righteous and Tyranny come to mind, and Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire can get crazy in places — but BG3 is probably helped by it adopting a less fully isometric style (and the amazing amount of cinematics) and also, because D&D 5e is just such a simple system, there’s more room to try and catch all the potential variables like “oops, I’m a wolf” like when I went around as a Giant Badger and all my cinematics and cut scenes were of a badger’s butt.

No, seriously. There’s a Mind Flayer saying Thralls, connect the transponder and there’s a big picture of a badger’s butt being talked to by a Githyanki.


Sup friends? I’m heading to the doctor. Been having pain in my calf and it’s made its way north. Plus my ankle is massive, more like an old lady’s cankle. Been down this road before so before anything alarming happens I figure I better get it checked out. The dumb part is it’s in the leg I had surgery on a few years back, so I’m not sure it even could kill me because the vein is tied off. So anyways, wish me luck.

Good luck. I’m going in tomorrow to see if they can drain all of this blood out of my eye with some injections or if I just have to live with it. So I could use some luck too.


Guy puts up lengthy post, completely trashing Baldur’s Gate 3.
Stating that the game is unfinished, there’s tons of cut content, it’s buggy to the point of being unplayable, Larian refuses to even acknowledge it and “they have a history doing this”, and BG3 will join the “Hall of Shame” of video games.

There’s 500 comments on his post of people desperately trying to get him to clarify or at least post any semblance of proof of his ramblings, but he is refusing to do so.

And the worst part is, what you see as him baiting people into commenting? He might really think that what  he is saying is objectively real and true. It’s maddening, because you can never be sure when someone is saying their honest viewpoint in  good faith or just trying to wind people up for ephemeral social clout.

Regardless, I think BG3 will likely go down as a technical achievement at the very least and potentially the best CRPG of this generation of games, and keep in mind I love CRPG’s and I play a lot of them. I mean, how many times have I tried to get y’all to play Tyranny? I sincerely don’t know how to approach the idea that this game is any of the things listed above.

Okay, that’s the Queue for today. I’m starting to taste colors so I need to try and catch some sleep.

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