The Queue: All uphill from here

There was much rejoicing in Cory-land last night as my guild and I finally put the nail in the coffin for the Failed Experiments. It took many many many more pulls than I thought it would, but we finally got the hang of it and proved why Neltharion was right to abandon these early prototype Dracthyr.
The problem now is that every Mythic boss after this point is harder than the last. Well except for Magmorax, he’s apparently a pretty big pushover — comparatively. Still though, as long as we get Rashok down consistently and I can snag my extra fancy polearm, I’ll consider this raid a success.
Just as long as I don’t have to go uphill while wearing ice skates…
While I invest in some new lava proof underwear, it’s time for — The Queue!
Q4tQ Do you think we can convince Taylor Swift to do a cover of I’m Just Ken?
The Barbie Movie has made a ton of money. So if anything could convince Taylor to have a little fun, that certainly doesn’t hurt!
Someone needs to go pitch it to her as a way to get a track on the inevitable sequel soundtrack! Maybe even a cameo!!
If she does well enough maybe the world will forget that she was in CATS (2019)…
The Show Must Go On is good but I’m also a big fan of Who Wants to Live Forever. I’ve performed both at karaoke before, if my pipes are feeling up to it. Heck, I’ve done a lot of Queen now that I think about it.
I can’t miss an opportunity to rep one of the best Queen covers out there though.
I’ll tip my hat to anyone who goes out and sings any Queen song at karaoke! Freddy had such a range that doing them justice is worth crowing about!
I love the Protomen cover too! I have their whole Night of Queen album kicking around here somewhere. I’ve gotten lucky enough to see them twice in concert. Once at PAX Prime back when it was still PAX Prime, and once when they came through Chicago — both times great concerts, they put on one heck of a stage show. The most memorable bit was watching their drummer jump off of an eight-foot subwoofer stack for the final cymbal crash in the song.
Someday they’ll release the Act 3 album… Someday…
Q4tQ: Apparently before Starfield really gets going, you need to clear the 50 hour main story, which could take way longer if you don’t skip every single side quest. That way past my limit for “the game is good, you just need to get past X”. How much time would you be willing to sink into a game before you get to the good part?
I’m not a fan of hearing that the best part of the game is fully two days of playing without even digging deep into the side quests. That’s a huge commitment, and I don’t think I’ve ever stuck with something in the first-person RPG genre that long.
It really depends on the game, but usually, if they can’t really sink their hooks into me within the first handful of hours I’ll just gradually drift away. I’m willing to give Starfield its fair shake though! Maybe it’ll help that I haven’t dug deep into the pre-release hype for it, so I’ll go in mostly unspoiled and unprejudiced against it.
Q4tQ if you played Hardcore Classic what would be your goal? Get to 60? Just get as far as you can? Survive the run from Menethil Harbor to Ironforge?
I think if I played Hardcore Classic I would have to do something that I’d never done back in the original Warcraft, so probably play a caster. I’d want to get to 60 — of course, but I think my ultimate goal would be at least Ragnaros dead. Kel’thuzad feels very ambitious, but Ragnaros feels pretty doable. He’s such a big presence in how people remember the original Warcraft that it would feel like the winning moment.
Everything after that would be like selecting the harder difficulty settings.
So, Kalimdor Cup is going to repeat at some point, right?
I haven’t heard anything concrete, but I can’t see why it wouldn’t!
It’ll either become a rotation where a different old-world continent has the races up each week, or maybe they’ll just enable all of those races permanently once they finally turn on Dragonflight in the other zones.
Something that I assumed was going to have happened by now, since y’know, Dracthyr can already use Soar in the old-world.
Not that I’m bitter about that still…
Bacardi is really getting into the fall spirit! Sadly he’s now learned the dangers of drinking too much caffeine late at night, so while he’s lying awake trying to get some sleep you can ask him for the shiniest loot possible in your vault. I mean, what else is he doing — he might as well give out some good gamer luck!
Today’s Anna Earworm™: Light up the Night
Have a great week everyone! I hope that you can get outside and enjoy the nice weather while it lasts, and make sure to leave lots of questions for whoever writes tomorrows Queue!
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